Every year since 2010, we at Humanity’s Team have hosted a
Global Oneness Summit, where we bring together dozens of spiritual leaders, visionaries, scientists, and award-winning creatives to share their wisdom and transformational teachings with the world. It is a multi-day celebration of Oneness – Oneness with each other, Oneness with our entire human family, and Oneness with the Divine and all life on our planet.
How can it be that we are all One?
When we look around at our environment, what we see most of the time is separation. I am in a body over here. My friend is in a separate body over there. What happens to someone on the other side of the globe doesn’t necessarily affect me personally. According to this worldview, I am also separate from nature. The forest that is cut down in the Amazon or the plant or animal species that becomes extinct doesn’t impact my individual, day-to-day life.
Noted author, speaker, and thought leader Charles Eisenstein refers to this worldview as The Story of Separation. Most of us in the Western world have grown up with some version of this story. Eisenstein characterizes it this way:
“I am a separate self: a bubble of psychology, a soul encased in flesh, or a biochemical machine. What happens to other beings or the world need not affect me, because I am separate. The events and people we encounter in life are basically random. God is separate from creation (either ruling it from outside, or not existing at all).” – Charles Eisenstein
It is a powerful story, one that has led humanity to the brink of societal and ecological disaster.
As Lynne McTaggart explains in Humanity Stream’s “Technology, Consciousness and Evolution” Masterclass, “we’ve been told an outdated story” – that the universe is made of things, that we are individual things, and that our thoughts are entirely our own.
Yet, scientists have known for more than one hundred years that this idea of separation is an illusion.
“A century has elapsed since Einstein mathematically proved that everything in the Universe is made out of energy and intertwined. Yet a vast majority of humanity still lives by the outdated principles of Newtonian physics, which say the world is a physical mechanism engaged in a series of cause-and-effect actions and reactions.” – Bruce Lipton
There is scientific proof of the interconnectedness of all things. Each of us is interconnected and interdependent with all of life. At the core of our being, we know this to be true. We actually experience this interconnectedness all the time but tend to dismiss it as coincidence, randomness, or luck. For instance:
We’ve had hundreds, perhaps thousands of these experiences without consciously noticing them for what they are. Glimpses of Oneness.
“No one comes to you by accident. There is no such thing as coincidence. Nothing occurs at random. Life is not a product of chance.” – Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God, Book Two
When you consider phenomena like synchronicity, distance healing, the power of prayer, and the placebo effect, it is hard to deny that everything and everyone is interconnected and interdependent.
“We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied together into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. We are made to live together because of the interrelated structure of reality…. Before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on more than half the world. This is the way our universe is structured; this is its interrelated quality. We aren’t going to have peace on Earth until we recognize the basic fact of the interrelated structure of all reality.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This interrelatedness and interconnectedness is the foundation for understanding Oneness. In the next post, we’ll dive deeper into Oneness as the nature of reality.
Meanwhile, I encourage you to watch our free program, “Smarter, Stronger, Faster” with Lynne McTaggart, Bruce Lipton, and Gregg Braden that talks about this very topic.
During this 60-minute program, you’ll discover how to tap into a level of Consciousness that allows you to see how we are all inextricably connected and how to use that Consciousness to affect everything around you, including your own body’s ability to heal and perform at a higher level.
Click on the button below to get access to this incredible free program right now.
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