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The Spiritual Leadership Award has become the standard among global awards honoring individuals for Distinguished Inspired Action and Eminent Visionary Leadership.


In 2024, Suzanne Giesemann was awarded the 2024 Spiritual Leadership Award, presented by Steve Farrell during a live ceremony in Boulder, Colorado. Suzanne was unanimously selected by Humanity’s Team’s Global Council in recognition of her tireless efforts to raise public awareness of mediumship and Oneness. Her inspiring contributions, including books, seminars, and programs, have positively impacted people worldwide.



In 2022, Humanity’s Team honored Nassim Haramein with the inaugural Unified Science Award, recognizing his groundbreaking contributions to science and spirituality. Haramein’s work stands out for integrating a foundational awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, which sets him apart from many modern scientists. Over the past 35 years, he has explored deep connections across diverse fields, including physics, mathematics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology, and even anthropology and archeology. He is preparing to publish a significant paper on Unified Field Theory, aiming to establish a universal framework from which to approach physics and unified science.


2021 Gregg Braden

The annual Humanity’s Team Spiritual Leadership Award is a select recognition of the brightest leaders encouraging conscious living and demonstrating their teachings through their actions. In 2021, Gregg Braden was chosen to receive this prestigious award for the incredible contributions he has made in the linking and understanding between science, spirituality, and human potential.


2020 Marianne williamson

After Steve Farrell, Humanity's Team Worldwide Executive Director, introduced the 2020 Spiritual Leadership Award celebration for Marianne Williamson she spoke to each present member of the Global Council and all present country coordinators. Covid briefly came up and Marianne said "we are living in a devolutionary time with great evolutionary potential." She went on to say that our acknowledgment of one another is really important especially in these times. Steve's introduction to Marianne was beautifully fitting of her accomplishments. 


2016 ken wilber

On Friday, June 24th Humanity's Team presented Ken Wilber with our Spiritual Leadership Award. The ceremony took place in Denver, Colorado at Ken's home. While it was a much more intimate setting than past presentations, the words Steve Farrell, Humanity's Team Worldwide Executive Director, and two Global Council members spoke came from the heart.


2015 rev. dr. michael b. beckwith & rickie byars

Our ceremony took place at the beautiful Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado. Many joined us in person and many others from around the world joined by Livestream. Humanity’s Team presented its 2015 Spiritual Leadership award to Rev. Michael & Rickie. This was the first time this award was bestowed on a couple for their efforts in inspiring many people with new thought.


2014 nelson mandela

Kofi Annan, the former United Nations Secretary-General, said Nelson Mandela was perhaps the most respected, most admired international figure in the world. We agree and we in Humanity’s Team were honored to give the late Nelson Mandela our spiritual leadership award during a ceremony at Freedom Park in Pretoria, South Africa on Sunday, July 27th. Sello Hatang, the Executive Director of the Nelson Mandela Foundation received the award on behalf of the late Nelson Mandela.


2013 barbara marx hubbard

Humanity’s Team recognized Barbara Marx Hubbard for her lifelong contribution to the “birthing” of us through the threshold of great possibility, of our own conscious evolution, the social, spiritual, scientific and technological potential of humanity as One. To say Barbara led a prolific and fascinating spiritual life is an understatement. 


2011 immaculÉE Ilibagiza

Immaculée Ilibagiza accepted the 2011 Spiritual Leadership award on May 18, 2011, for having demonstrated ultimate acts of Oneness. Immaculée is a living example of faith put into action. Immaculée's life transformed dramatically during the 1994 Rwandan genocide where she and seven other women spent 91 days huddled silently together in the cramped bathroom of a local pastor's house. Immaculée entered the bathroom a vibrant, 115-pound university student with a loving family - she emerged weighing just 65 pounds to find her most of her family had been brutally murdered. Through prayer and time, she eventually found it possible, and in fact imperative, to forgive her tormentors and her family's murderers.


2010 andrew harvey

Humanity's Team Global Council meeting presented its 2010 Spiritual Leadership Award to internationally renowned mystical scholar and Sacred Activist architect Andrew Harvey. The award presentation — was held May 19th at the New York Open Center in New York City, the largest urban holistic learning center in the United States — recognized Andrew’s extraordinary demonstrations of inspired action and visionary leadership through his life lived.


2009 archbishop emeritus desmond tutu

Anglican Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, the South African activist, won the Nobel Peace Prize for his international advocacy of a non-violent end to South African apartheid. More recently, Humanity's Team's Global Council presented the Spiritual Leadership Award to Archbishop Tutu at Freedom Park, South Africa.


2008 ciro gabriel avruj

Humanity’s Team Global Council chose Ciro Gabriel Avruj, Humanity’s Team country coordinator of Argentina, to receive the 2008 Spiritual Leadership award. Gabriel has a degree in Business Administration and has also studied Social Responsibility and Overall Human Development. Beginning in his youth, he took interest in the subject of consciousness and the spiritual quest. He is widely traveled and personally knows a number of spiritual world leaders. Gabriel is confined to a wheelchair following an accident as a teen. He serves as the Country Coordinator for HT Argentina.


2005 neale donald walsch

Humanity’s Team Global Council voted unanimously to present Neale Donald Walsch the very first Spiritual Leadership award. The award was presented during the May 2005 Global Council meeting at Bard College where Neale was singled out for receiving and publishing the Conversations with God messages. In Wilsonville, Oregon in June 2003, Neale co-founded Humanity’s Team along with Steve Farrell, the Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team.

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