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A 501(c)(3)  Nonprofit

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Humanity’s Team?

    We are a global nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization based in Boulder, Colorado, the U.S. and were co-founded by Steve Farrell and Neale Donald Walsh in June of 2003. Learn more about Our Mission here.

  • Why was Humanity’s Team created?

    Humanity's Team was created to support conscious evolution, planetary awakening, and flourishing at every level of life. 

  • What does Humanity’s Team do?

    As the #1 global nonprofit in transformational educational programs, Humanity’s Team has no focus on growing profits or satisfying shareholders, and 100% of all revenue goes toward creating masterclasses, the annual week-long Global Oneness Summit, our streaming subscription service (Humanity Stream+), our private spiritual social network (, and numerous free resources. We remain focused on our mission supporting our evolution into our higher self, and participation in service and outreach programs. 

    To help support our mission to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, click here.

  • Is the Humanity’s Team staff paid?

    Up until the past few years, all positions at Humanity’s Team were filled by volunteers. As the organization continues to grow and thrive, it’s able to offer stipends with periodic increases. Humanity’s Team is working toward achieving market rate for all paid full-time team members. Today, 30% of the global team members remain volunteers and, in the spirit of conscious leadership, all paid staff also volunteer several hours a month. 

    To view all open volunteer positions, click here.

  • How does Oneness fit in with the Humanity’s Team vision?

    Central to the notion of supporting the conscious journey, planetary awakening, and flourishing at every level of life is the ancient timeless truth that we’re all one with the Divine, with one another, and with all of life. This Oneness includes everything and everyone in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual experience. When we live this way, life becomes more and more effortless. We unite, merge, coalesce with Oneness and thus are able to see the glory, the wonder, the miracles of Reality. 

    All of the Humanity’s Team offerings, both fee-based and free, are fully based in the truth of Oneness.

  • Does Humanity’s Team have a credo?

    Yes, our credo is “Serve life first.” Oneness, by its very nature, lovingly insists upon an all-inclusive, all-forgiving, and all-accepting stance. In Sacred text, Oneness goes by many names and is defined as omnipresent, its Divine Presence encompassing the whole of the Universe. We are a part of the whole of life. At Humanity’s Team, we put service to all of life before other priorities.

  • What is Humanity Stream+?

    Our streaming subscription service has an easy-to-view and use graphical interface (much like popular entertainment streaming platforms) and for an annual fee includes our most popular masterclasses, additional transformational education, faculty mentoring, hundreds of hours of total conscious content, live weekly calls with faculty, and new programming added regularly. Humanity Stream+ is priced aggressively (with a 14-day guarantee) so as to encourage our goal of extending the reach of the conscious journey and awakening to every person on the planet.

    Find out  more and become a Member here.

  • Humanity Stream+ Subscription

    For less than $1 a day, you can gain access to hundreds of hours worth of conscious programming on every device. 

    You will be automatically resubscribed to Humanity Stream Plus after 12 months of use. If you choose not to continue with the subscription you may cancel at any time and at the end of 12 months you will not be automatically resubscribed. 

    Become a Member here.

  • What is the Global Oneness Summit?

    In May of 2010, with 52,000 signatures in hand, a Humanity’s Team delegation went to the United Nations to request the creation of a Global Oneness Day. Ambassador Chowdury, the former Undersecretary-General of the United Nations, was impressed with the importance of creating such an observance but said it would take too long for the United Nations to make it happen and requested that we do it.

    The first Global Oneness Day was held on United Nations Day, October 24th, 2010. The annual free week-long Summit and Celebration has grown in volume, importance, and global recognition every year since. Learn more Here.

  • What is the Conscious Business Declaration?

    The Declaration, a new standard for business in the 21st Century, is a brief yet comprehensive list of statements businesses can use to help them stay on track in adopting and maintaining more conscious practices in their day-to-day operations. It also describes the role conscious business can play in creating a flourishing world. The Initiators of the Declaration are Steve Farrell, Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team; John Thomas, former Conscious Business Initiative Director for Humanity’s Team; Hiroo Salonji, Founder and President of the Goi Peace Foundation; Ervin Laszlo, Chairman and President of the Club of Budapest; and Chris Laszlo of The Fowler Center for Business as an Agent for Public Benefit at Case Western Reserve University.

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