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One way to Celebrate Global Oneness Day is to


with the annual Global Oneness Summit

Help Awaken the World to Oneness: Living Your Life for the Benefit of All 

Every time someone wakes up to the experience of Oneness in their life and begins to talk about that experience to others, the Oneness movement grows…


And while that is obviously a truly wonderful thing, if we want to bring an end to the division and suffering that have enslaved humanity, we need to help more people wake up—fast. 

several ways you can celebrate


  • Invite Your Friends and Colleagues to Join Us for "The Art & Science of Elevating Consciousness"

    If you’re inspired by what we’re trying to achieve with Global Oneness Day, one of the simplest and most effective actions you can take is to simply spread the word about it on social media. Use the text below to share the message and the love!


    I just registered for this year's Global Oneness Summit "The Art & Science of Elevating Consciousness." There's still time to reserve your spot for this FREE event here.

  • Support and Promote the Oneness Declaration

    The most fundamental thing we can say about the true nature of life is that “We Are All One.”


    To help deepen our understanding and grasp of the implications of those words, we’ve created something we call the Oneness Declaration. In it, we’ve laid out in great clarity everything you need to know to be able to understand and experience Oneness in any and every moment you live.


    The statements in the Oneness Declaration are a mirror for reflection and inspiration, and a beautiful tool to help us transform ourselves and others, as well as to confirm and manifest our shared mission to create a world of peace, abundance and joy that reveals our inherent connection to one another, nature, all of Creation, and the Divine.


    Anytime you share or discuss the Oneness Declaration with anyone, you bring its powerful energy out into the world and you encourage those around you to embrace this ultimate truth about Life.


    I hope you’ll read the Oneness Declaration right now, and if you find that its ideas resonate for you, I also hope you’ll sign it and then post it or pass it on through your social media outlet of choice.


    Thank you for inviting people to read the Oneness Declaration!


    The Oneness Declaration is available here in several languages.

  • Create Your Own Global Oneness Day Event or Gathering

    Global Oneness Day belongs to everyone and can be celebrated in many ways… from simply living in Oneness yourself, or focusing on deepening your connection with a friend or two or more, or gathering with family, or with a larger community, or even in higher-profile events focused on celebrating and exploring that deeper connection.

    All Summit long, starting on October 19th through October 24th, we’d love to see billboards, signs and buses emblazoned with “We Are All One,” as well as in newspapers and on television, and all over the internet.

    We want this message to be on the mind and in the actions of every person in the world. 

    Over the years, we’ve seen Global Oneness Day activities like drum circles, children’s fairs, free-hug events, food drives, and the donation of items to homeless shelters.


    We invite you to consider creating an event or activity that ties in to our theme of “The Art & Science of Elevating Consciousness,” and makes Oneness come alive for you, your children, your neighbors, friends, and colleagues.

  • Participate in the 2024 Global Oneness Summit for Free

    There is absolutely no cost to join us for our annual Oneness Summit. Due to the generosity of our partners and all the speakers who have volunteered their time, we’re able to offer this important experience for free to the public. All you have to do is get signed up and then watch and listen to the events and panels on your computer or mobile device October 19th - October 24th.


    If you long to live in a world that works for everyone, both in the present and for future generations to live in, then join us here.

  • Volunteer with Humanity’s Team

    I want to let you know something important: You can absolutely make a difference in the world! And when you volunteer a little or a lot of your time with Humanity’s Team, you’ll join thousands of others who are pursuing that same goal. Our staff and volunteers share a common belief in the Divine, Spirit, or God, and are driven by compassion, empathy and unconditional love. We believe in the words “We Are All One,” and are committed to creating a world that reflects those beliefs without making anyone else wrong who believes otherwise. If you share these beliefs and feel this commitment, I hope you’ll consider volunteering with Humanity’s Team!

  • We Welcome Your Donation to the Global Oneness Summit

    Here at Humanity’s Team, we work year-round to put together a unique program and prepare everything to make your Global Oneness Summit experience every October one you won’t soon forget.


    Global Oneness Day is our “Earth Day” for an awakening humanity, and an integral part of our conscious evolution as we shift into a new paradigm for living on this extraordinary planet.


    The purpose of the Global Oneness Summit is to awaken the whole of humanity to our Oneness with one another and all the life around us through our connection to the Divine, God, Creator, All That Is, or whatever term you use to describe that Source of everything.


    Our invaluable volunteer team donates thousands of hours each year, helping us with outreach and assisting in the many preparations for the Global Oneness Summit, but your tax-deductible contributions are just as important, and make it possible for us to sponsor this yearly event. 


    So if this work we’re doing resonates with you and touches your heart, your donation of any amount is greatly appreciated. We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, making your contribution tax-deductible.


    Simply by being a part of this community and participating in our programs, you are helping to further our mission to create a flourishing culture of Oneness on this wonderful planet we all share.


    Much Gratitude and Love to you!

    Donate here.

  • Join the Humanity's Team Global Community

    Humanity’s Team is a global grassroots organization with members in over 150 countries. If you want to connect and collaborate with other heart-centered activists to live and spread Oneness, consider representing your country by becoming a Country Coordinator. Find out more here!

What exactly is oneness?

The short explanation is that Oneness is the interconnectedness of everything that exists within the Divine energy of the Universe, or God, or Source – whichever term most resonates for you. It’s the experience of being inseparable from everyone and everything.


Just as in the joke where one fish asks another, “What’s this water thing I keep hearing about?” we are immersed in Oneness in every moment we live, even though we aren’t consciously aware of it.


And because our senses tell us at every turn that we are separate from the other people and objects around us, our complex brains have trouble letting go of that perception, and often, even when we say we believe in Oneness, we don’t realize the immense scope of all “Oneness” implies.


The truth is that scientists working in the field of Quantum Physics have now proven that everything in existence is sourced from the same energy, which means we’re all connected to everyone and everything in the Universe.


Many mystics and philosophers of various ancient spiritual teachings have obviously been saying this for thousands of years, but at least Science is finally catching up!


At the core of all the main religions is something akin to the “Golden Rule,” which is essentially: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”


The Golden Rule is the essence of Oneness, because what you do to another person, you are doing to another aspect of yourself, and when you can look into another’s eyes and see not only yourself but the Divine that is within everyone, you will be living in Oneness.

With the unprecedented number of human beings on the Earth awakening to Oneness right now, we hope to take advantage of that momentum and bring thousands more into the fold, so we can transcend the illusion of separation, avoid global calamity, and create a world of well-being and fulfillment for everyone – a world where everyone can flourish.

What is GLOBAL oneness DAY?

Global Oneness Day is exactly that—a day where every year we celebrate our interconnectedness inside the Divine energy of the Universe. A day where we celebrate our Oneness.

Just as Earth Day galvanized the movement to protect and preserve our global environment, Global Oneness Day has become a global catalyst for spiritual education and activism, and our annual Summit event is on the leading edge of the creation of a new paradigm for living in the world.

The possibility of living your life from the perspective of Oneness represents a profound new shift in humanity’s culture from one of competition to one of cooperation, compassion and caring.

In the late 1960s, the first photographs of the Earth taken from space had a powerful impact on humanity’s perception of the world.

For many of us who saw those photographs when they were first shown on television and then in magazines, it was the first time in our lives that we’d ever felt a deeper connection to everyone and everything on this beautiful blue planet we were all obviously sharing.


In the decades since then, this realization has spread and expanded, as more and more people have experienced Oneness in various ways, and seen it for what it is— the very essence of our being.


Today, Oneness is expressed through many different streams, such as religion, philosophy, indigenous traditions, art, and science… 

But these streams are beginning to overflow their banks, commingling and converging to form a single stream—a universal Oneness movement.

Global Oneness Day is where that movement comes together as a community to celebrate the beauty of our diversity and the unity of our existence, and to join hands to serve humanity’s collective awakening.

the story of


The creation of Global Oneness Day began as a simple petition drive by Humanity’s Team in 2008.


Members of Humanity’s Team created a petition with the goal of obtaining 50,000 signatures that could be delivered to the United Nations (U.N.) with a request that the U.N. support the focus on awakening Oneness.


When Humanity’s Team approached the U.N. in May 2010, over 52,000 signatures had been obtained from more than 150 countries.


When members of the Global Council for Humanity’s Team met with the U.N., the Oneness petition signatures and supporting material were presented, and we requested the U.N. consider acting on the petition and create a Global Oneness Day that could be celebrated around the world.


Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, who hosted the Humanity’s Team Global Council on behalf of the United Nations, graciously thanked the group for coming and spoke about the mission, vision and purpose of the United Nations including its focus on solidarity.


He said, 


"Until there is a sense of solidarity among the peoples of the world, all of our efforts for peace and security will go nowhere."

Ambassador Chowdhury instructed us that it would take so long for the United Nations to discuss the matter that he invited us to create this Global Oneness Day ourselves in the meantime and return to the U.N. once it was established and we had more signatures.

In July of 2010, the Humanity’s Team Global Council discussed the U.N. meeting and decided to create an official Global Oneness Day on United Nations Day, October 24th. United Nations Day and Global Oneness Day share common visions for a compassionate and sustainable world.

The first Global Oneness Day was celebrated on October 24th, 2010, when a thousand people from around the world celebrated with an inspiring global phone call, while others around the globe celebrated with community events, drum circles, service events and performances.

In the years that followed, Global Oneness Day grew in its scope and activities. In 2011 , in Fort Collins, Colorado, there were speakers, musicians and entertainers, all focused on Oneness. There were classroom activities, outreach with the homeless, youth programs, and above all, signings of the Oneness Declaration. Global Oneness Day events also took place in Canada, England, France, Portugal, Argentina, Columbia, South Africa, and many other countries.

In 2013, Global Oneness Day dawned in Australia, with live-streaming footage of the first country to officially celebrate our Oneness that day. Momentum spread all over the world as the sun touched each country in turn.

In 2014 , tens of thousands celebrated Global Oneness Day across our planet. Over fifty thousand signed up to attend the Global Oneness Day Summit, countless Oneness walks, and the Global Rhythm Circle events that broke all previous years’ records.

In 2016, our outreach expanded and Global Oneness Day was celebrated in 150 Countries with over a hundred thousand participants.

The 2017 Global Oneness Day was hosted on video for the first time with 160,000 people celebrating with us from over 150 countries around the Globe.

Nearly 100,000 signatures have been collected for the Oneness Declaration. Once the 100,000 signatures benchmark is achieved, Humanity’s Team will once again approach the U.N. and seek its endorsement.

The impact Global Oneness Day has had so far is immeasurable. Every movement begins by taking into the streets a message that has only been spoken of in hushed voices behind closed doors. Our Oneness is a timeless, ancient truth that has been marginalized over the millennia when it should instead be shouted from the rooftops each night as a reminder to us all. 

On Global Oneness Day, Humanity’s Team invites everyone who believes in this message to take it out into the streets and to the rooftops for at least this one day, to remind ourselves and others how deeply connected we truly are.

Whether you volunteer your time at a homeless shelter or an orphanage, throw a Oneness party for your friends and colleagues, or whatever else you decide to do to celebrate our Oneness in the days that precede and follow Global Oneness Day, we encourage you to speak this universal truth without fear everywhere you go. Invite others to feel into the Oneness with you, and to celebrate Oneness in whatever way they are inspired to.

This movement is far from just beginning. More people around the globe are awakening to Oneness every day. During a recent trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Pope Francis said this:

“Everybody, according to his or her particular opportunities and responsibilities, should be able to make a personal contribution to putting an end to so many social injustices. The Brazilian people, particularly the humblest among you, can offer the world a valuable lesson in solidarity, a word that is too often forgotten or silenced, because it is uncomfortable. I would like to make an appeal to those in possession of greater resources, to public authorities and to all people of good will who are working for social justice. Never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity! No one can remain insensitive to the inequalities that persist in the world!

The culture of selfishness and individualism that often prevails in our society is not what leads to a more habitable world. It’s the culture of solidarity that does so, seeing others not as rivals or statistics, but brothers and sisters.”

The words of Pope Francis are about this same truth of our Oneness. They illustrate that when we awaken to Oneness and begin to see the sacredness in all of life, it is impossible to judge or marginalize people. When life is sacred, no one can be taken for granted or left behind.

You can help to achieve this goal by celebrating Global Oneness Day in ways that feel authentic for you. Sign and share the Oneness Declaration and encourage others to sign it, too. Urge others to discuss Oneness more openly in their community, at the grocery checkout, at home, in church, at school, and at work. Our Oneness is a reality, and it’s time to carry this timeless truth with us into the light of each and every day.

We hope you’ll join us annually for the Global Oneness Summit, and find ways to acknowledge and celebrate Oneness all year long!

Click here to donate to support Global Oneness Day so that we may further our mission to create a flourishing culture of Oneness on this wonderful planet we all share.

Much Gratitude and Love to you!

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