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Can Consciousness be Measured?

Steve Farrell • September 16, 2024

If you ask a medical doctor or scientist if consciousness can be measured, the answer is likely to be yes. If you ask a spiritual teacher, philosopher, mystic, or an enlightened master, however, the answer could very well be no. Both answers are correct.

In order to measure consciousness, it is first helpful to define what that is. Yet as we can see with the following statements, defining consciousness is no easy task:

“Knowing oneself is all that consciousness means. Consciousness is never born, never becomes old, never dies. It needs no fuel, it needs no rest. It is pure energy, perpetual eternal energy.” – Osho

“What determines the quality of your consciousness? Your degree of presence. The very reason for our existence in human form is to bring that dimension of consciousness – Presence – into the world.” – Eckhart Tolle

“The main obstacle to man’s development is the lack of knowledge about the nature of consciousness itself.” – David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Even the Merriam-Webster Dictionary offers five definitions of consciousness, including:

1)   the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself
2)   the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought
3)   the totality of conscious states of an individual

Medical doctors use the second definition: the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought. They can measure the consciousness states of the physical body when the body is awake, asleep, or in a coma. This can be referred to as a clinical measure of consciousness and employs tools such as an EEG to measure activity in the brain.

Spiritual teachers define consciousness as awareness. To be conscious is to be aware – and that awareness is not limited to the brain. On an individual level, it is an awareness that we have a body and we have a mind, but Who We Are is not the body or the mind. We are the consciousness – the awareness – beyond both. Spiritual messenger Neale Donald Walsch describes it this way in Book Two of Conversations with God:

“You are all Aspects of Being, simply parts of What Is. Each part has the consciousness of The Whole embedded within it. Every element carries the imprint. ‘Awareness’ is the experience of that consciousness being awakened. The individual aspect of the All becomes aware of Itself. It becomes, quite literally, self conscious. Then gradually, it becomes conscious of all others, and then, of the fact that there are no others – that All is One. Then, ultimately, of Me.” – Neale Donald Walsch

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle refers to consciousness as the primary factor in creation:

“No matter how active we are, how much effort we make, our state of consciousness creates our world, and if there is no change on that inner level, no amount of action will make any difference. We would only re-create modified versions of the same world again and again, a world that is an external reflection of the ego.” – Eckhart Tolle

The common component to both scientific and spiritual definitions of consciousness is awareness. Yet here it gets tricky. If being conscious means being aware of ourselves and the world around us, that suggests that consciousness is subjective and unique to each person. But what if consciousness is what some call the Unified Field of Energy or the collective consciousness that underlies and connects everything?

Quantum physicists contend that everything is consciousness since it is all part of the One. Yet our analytical minds love to measure, calculate, and compare to determine what is higher or lower, what is better or worse, what is more or less. The mind likes to categorize and dissect, rank and file. But logic and reason, the very things we would use to measure consciousness, are themselves limited. Consciousness is vast, it is the totality. The mind is limited and mechanistic. So, how can something finite and limited measure the infinite?

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. was a psychiatrist, clinician, and researcher who reached the state of consciousness known as Enlightenment. As both a medical scientist and spiritual seeker, he was a pioneer in his ability to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. With his decades of research, clinical studies, and personal exploration, he was able to calibrate and map the levels of consciousness.

In the original foreword of David Hawkins’ revolutionary book Power vs. Force, editor E. Whalen notes:

“Dr. Hawkins’s most fertile discovery was a means of calibrating a scale of relative truth by which intellectual positions, statements, or ideologies could be rated on a range of 1 to 1,000. One can say, ‘This item (book, philosophy, teacher) calibrates at 200 (Y/N), at 250 (Y/n),’ and so on, until the point of common weak response determines the calibration. The enormous implications of these calibrations was that for the first time in human history, ideological validity could be appraised as an innate quality in any subject.”

“Through twenty years of similar calibrations, Hawkins was able to analyze the full spectrum of the levels of human consciousness, developing a fascinating map of the geography of man’s experience. This ‘anatomy of consciousness’ produces a profile of the entire human condition, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the emotional and spiritual development of individuals, societies, and the race in general. So profound and far-reaching a view provides not only a new understanding of man’s journey in the universe, but also a guide to all of us as to where we and our neighbors are on the ladder of spiritual enlightenment, and on our own personal journeys to become who we could be.” – E. Whalen

At the bottom of the scale is Shame – the lowest state of consciousness. As we climb up the rungs of consciousness, we next come to Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger, and Pride. Those states represent the bottom half of the ladder of consciousness and is currently where the majority of humanity resides most of the time.

The top half of the ladder begins with Courage and then climbs to Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance, Reason, Love, Joy, Peace, and Enlightenment. Although Enlightenment (otherwise known as Absolute Awareness) represents the highest point, for most of us, Love and Peace are the highest achievable states.

“With each progressive rise in the level of consciousness, the ‘frequency’ or ‘vibration’ of energy increases. Thus, higher consciousness radiates a beneficial and healing effect on the world, verifiable in the human muscle response, which stays strong in the presence of love and truth. In contrast, non-true or negative energy fields induce a weak muscle response. That which weakens life energy is to be avoided: shame, guilt, confusion, fear, hatred, pride, hopelessness, and falsehood. That which uplifts life is to be realized: truth, courage, acceptance, reason, love, beauty, joy, and peace.” – Fran Grace, Ph.D., editor to the revised edition of David R. Hawkins’ Power vs. Force

You can gauge your own level of awareness through direct experience and by observing your moment-to-moment experience as an impartial witness.

“The best indication of your level of consciousness is how you deal with life’s challenges when they come. Through those challenges, an already unconscious person tends to become more deeply unconscious, and a conscious person more intensely conscious. You can use a challenge to awaken you, or you can allow it to pull you into an even deeper sleep.” – Eckhart Tolle

“If a person becomes more conscious, naturally his character is transformed. Anger is there because you are unconscious, greed is there because you are unconscious. To change your character is easy; the real work consists in changing your consciousness, in becoming conscious – more conscious, more intensely and passionately conscious. When you are conscious it is impossible to be angry, it is impossible to be greedy, it is impossible to be jealous, it is impossible to be ambitious.” – Osho

“Masters are beings who do not vacillate between levels of Awareness, but consistently select, with deliberateness and clear intention, the State of Consciousness from which they wish their thoughts, words, and actions to emerge.” – Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God, Book One

You can dive deeper into the science and mystery of consciousness and learn to raise your consciousness with several free courses from Humanity’s Team. In "Secret Scientific Discoveries that are Changing Everything," scientist Gregg Braden and Physicist Nassim Haramein explore how the universe is alive, intelligent, and ordered and that humankind is the product of more than random mutations or lucky biology.

In "Embodying Higher Consciousness: A New Way of Living on the Earth," modern mystic Andrew Harvey and planetary healer Jude Currivan show us how to raise our own consciousness every day and uplift the consciousness of our species into a more connected and compassionate way of living on Earth.

All of this and more is available on our Free Courses page of our website, as well as our streaming service Humanity's Team+,where you’ll find hundreds of masterclasses, programs, and meditations from acclaimed visionaries and thought leaders. We invite you to explore the free courses, articles, podcasts, and other resources available on our website here.

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