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Seeking Answers Beyond the Physical Realm

Steve Farrell • September 23, 2024

It used to be that when we had a question or wanted some information, we would ask our parents or teachers, go to the local library, look it up in a physical encyclopedia, or read a book about the topic. Nowadays, the internet has become the one-stop shop for any type of information imaginable. We use the internet to learn how best to cook an eggplant, how to install a car battery, and how to train our new puppy. For matters like these in our physical, day-to-day reality, the internet and other people can be useful resources.

But when it comes to life’s most fundamental questions, such as: “What is the meaning of life?” and “Why am I here?” – those answers don’t come from external sources. A simple internet search will not do. For life’s bigger questions – the questions philosophers, scientists, historians, and sages have pondered for centuries – an inner-net search is needed. The answers are to be found in the innermost core of our being, beyond the external physical realm.

“At least one thing can never be done by anybody else – that is, to give you the answer to who you are. No, you have to go, you have to dig deep into your own being. Layers and layers of identity, false identity, have to be broken.” – Osho

That innermost core of our being is not physical. It is not located in our physical heart or in our brain. Our core is energetic. It is energy. Some refer to this energy as our Soul or Spirit. Others refer to it as Love, God, or the Divine Source. Regardless of what we call it, there is an energy that is the essence of our individual selves that is connected to the energy of everything else.

Scientists call this energy the Unified Field. It is a field of Universal Intelligence that underlies all of existence. As Albert Einstein once said, “The field is the only reality.” Everything, including each one of us, is energy. Because we are all part of the same One energy, we can tune into this energetic realm and access Universal Intelligence.

Quantum and theoretical physicists now actively study this unified field of energy, although we don’t need to be a scientist to access this cosmic field and receive guidance for our personal lives.

How Can We Access the Energetic or Spiritual Realms?

There are a number of tools and techniques to help us tap into the field of universal intelligence within us and the unlimited wisdom that lies beyond our five physical senses. Three such tools are kinesiology, stillness, and astral travel. Let’s explore each of these.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a method of receiving cosmic or universal intelligence using the body. It is based on testing the body’s muscle response to a stimulus. With this method, for example, we would raise one of our arms straight out in front of us. Then we have someone lightly press down on our forearm while we resist the pressure. Next, we say aloud a statement we know to be true, such as “My sister’s name is ______.” The other person then applies the same amount of light pressure to our forearm. Because it is a true statement, the arm muscles should remain strong and our arm will remain straight in front of us.

We can also test with a statement we know to be false, such as “I have green hair.” First, we say the false statement aloud, then we test the arm strength. There should be a noticeable – and sometimes dramatic – weakening of the muscles in our arm and it will lower easily despite our resistance.

This method is not limited to determining true and false statements. We can also hold a food item or supplement and test whether it will have a positive or negative effect on the body.

The study of kinesiology first received scientific attention with Dr. George Goodheart’s work and what he termed “applied kinesiology.” His studies showed that the body knew at a deep, subconscious level what was good or bad for it. In Dr. David R. Hawkins revolutionary book Power vs. Force, editor E. Whalen notes that later, “in the late 1970s, Dr. John Diamond refined this specialty into a new discipline he called behavioral kinesiology. Dr. Diamond’s startling discovery was that indicator muscles would strengthen or weaken in the presence of positive or negative emotional and intellectual stimuli. A smile will make you test strong, while the statement, ‘I hate you,’ will make you test weak.”

Now commonly known as muscle testing, kinesiology can be used to test thoughts and beliefs as well.

How Does Muscle Testing Work?

Muscle testing works because the energy within our body is part of and inseparable from the Unified Field of energy that connects everything. Because we humans are connected to everything at this energetic level, we have the innate capacity to work with this universal intelligence to seek answers beyond the physical realm. With muscle testing, we use our body as a tool to access this cosmic database.

Kinesiology isn’t the only way to find answers beyond what our five senses can measure. Stillness is another way.

Stillness as a Doorway to the Beyond

When we sit in silence long enough, the mind begins to settle down and we become more open and available to guidance beyond the ordinary thinking mind. We become more apt to receive intuitive hits and insights. With stillness and silence, the energetic realm that is both within us and around us becomes more perceptible.

“There is nothing the mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind’s immobility and thought-free stillness.” – Sri Aurobindo

“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.” – Gandhi

Stillness provides the conditions necessary to hear that still, quiet voice within. Some call that voice intuition, others feel it is the Universe or Life itself. That voice is part of our soul. It communicates with us and guides us constantly, inviting us to slow down and tune in.

With stillness, the answers are within. We can tune into our own inner knowing, our energetic essence that is connected to universal intelligence.

“Your intuition is the way that your soul can contact your beingness to help it in survival situations, or in creative situations, or in inspirational situations. It is the way that, through your higher self, you can ask and receive assistance from other souls and from your Teaches and guides.” – Gary Zukav

We can also tune into our invisible team of helpers from the spiritual realm, including ascended masters, angels, ancestors, and star beings.

Traveling to Other Realms

Astral travel is a third way to receive insights and information from beyond the physical realm. Also referred to as astral projection, a soul journey, or an out-of-body-experience, astral travel involves projecting your soul or consciousness out of your physical body to travel in other dimensions or realms of existence. This can happen in deep meditative states when the body relaxes, the mind slows down, and the brain seems to disconnect from the physical body.

Once in a relaxed state of body and mind, the astral or subtle body can temporarily leave the physical body to explore spiritual realms. This actually happens all the time when we sleep, only most of us are unaware of it.

When we combine awareness with deep relaxation, we can also experience out-of-body experiences and astral travel while we are awake. We do this by allowing the body and mind to relax enough to enter the hypnagogic state. This is the in-between state that is neither fully awake nor fully asleep. At first, the hardest part is to enter this relaxed state without falling asleep. With practice, we can enter this state at will: during meditation, just upon waking, or when sitting in silence.

Other Ways to Seek Answers Beyond the Physical Realm

Muscle testing, stillness, and astral projection are just three ways to explore non-physical realms for answers. There are many others. Developing clairvoyance, engaging with breathwork, and exploring mediumship can also grant access to information and insights for both our day-to-day problems and for life’s biggest challenges.

Here at Humanity’s Team, we offer a variety of resources to help you find the answers you seek. In Suzanne Giesemann’s free course, "Communicating with the Spirit World: How to Ask, Listen, Pay Attention, and Release the Outcome,"  you can discover how to make contact with loved ones from the other side, connect with spirit guides, and receive messages from non-physical beings.

In the free program, Get Your Own Psychic Insights: Discover How to Tune in and Receive Important Information From the Other Side"  bestselling author and psychic medium James Van Praagh shows you how to develop your intuition and get psychic information into the past, present, and future.

All of this and more is available on our Free Courses page of our website, as well as our streaming service, Humanity's Stream+, where you’ll find hundreds of masterclasses, programs, and meditations from acclaimed visionaries and thought leaders. We invite you to explore the free courses, articles, podcasts, and other resources available on our website here.

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