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A 501(c)(3)  Nonprofit

Changing Humanity’s Future Now

Steve Farrell • September 20, 2024

This past April 2024, we celebrated Year Two of our global initiative, Changing Humanity's Future. Just a little over two years ago, Humanity’s Team embarked on this bold project to raise the baseline of human consciousness to shift from a fear and separation-based world to one of unity and Oneness.Together with our partners around the globe and supporters like you, we intend to make conscious living pervasive by 2040.

Conscious living is key to creating a sustainable and flourishing world for everyone. When we live consciously, we are aware of the Oneness of all things. We consider the effects of our words, thoughts, and actions on others. We incorporate our community and the planet in our decision-making. We respond to circumstances from a state of equanimity rather than react to them from our subconscious programming. We live from the awareness that we are creators of our personal and collective reality, not victims of our heredity, conditioning, or circumstances as we have been taught to believe.

When we live consciously, we see the underlying unity of life. We recognize that what we do affects everyone, including other species and the planet. We realize we are part of something sacred and larger than ourselves. This awareness creates a new kind of culture based on collaboration. Rather than championing individual achievements and the “everyone for themselves” mentality, living consciously means choosing actions that are best for all of life.

The Outdated Story of Separation

The old worldview – which is still very much alive and kicking – is based on a story of separation. Most of us have grown up with some version of this story.

We have been told that we are separate from each other, separate from nature, and separate from the Source of all life. Society urges us to place our individual needs and desires above all else, including the community and the natural world. We’re encouraged to do more, have more, and acquire more for our individual selves. This “me” focus contributes to feelings of isolation, anxiety, fear, and overwhelm. We’ve become a society that lives in isolation from each other, dividing ourselves by our beliefs, our locations, and our appearances.

As part of this story of separation, we have been told that we have no control over our own fate, that what happens to us is someone else’s fault. That we are victims of our genes. Victims of our circumstances.Victims of life itself.

This story is a lie.

The global violence and ecological destruction we see today is evidence of how we got it wrong. This belief in separation is at the root of all war, cutthroat competition, poverty, and civil unrest. It has led humanity to the brink of societal, economic, and ecological disaster.The story of separation we’ve been telling is not the truth of our existence.The truth of our existence is Oneness.The fear and violence we see today is our wakeup call to live consciously and change humanity’s future. It is our “Galileo moment.”

Our Galileo Moment

In the early 1600s, Galileo discovered that the scientific consensus was wrong. The Earth was not, in fact, the center of the Universe but part of a larger solar system revolving around the sun. This discovery profoundly changed the world.

We are at a similar paradigm shift now. Modern scientific research now confirms what spiritual teachers and ancient scholars have been saying all along – that we are One. We are all part of One thing, one energetic matrix, one Divine Source. Ancient civilizations, scholars, and shamans understood that our planet and everything on it is one giant ecosystem, living and breathing together, interdependent and reliant upon each other. Humanity is interconnected with all things. All of life is deeply interrelated and interdependent in Oneness.

The problem is that, like what Galileo experienced 400 years ago, most of society still operates under the old belief and the old story. Our children are still taught to compete and win. Society tells us to seek fame, fortune, and power. Corporations and government institutions reinforce this survival-of-the-fittest, might-equals-right, dog-eat-dog programming.

Fortunately, there is a solution. We can change how we see ourselves and others. We can change the filter through which we see the world around us. We can recognize the interconnectedness of all things. We can shift our beliefs and behaviors to make it possible for everyone to experience peace, balance, and joy. We can embrace a new understanding and a new story – one that, ironically, has been around for thousands of years.

We have the power to create a flourishing planet. We can create healthier ways of living on Earth. To do this, we must elevate our consciousness both individually and collectively. We must reach a tipping point.

The Tipping Point

A tipping point is defined as a critical moment in a complex situation, where a small influence or development produces a sudden large or irreversible change. Author Malcolm Gladwell refers to it as “that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.”

When enough of us become conscious, we will reach a tipping point where the rest of the world naturally shifts to this new way of living based on interconnectedness and Oneness. That tipping point doesn’t require all 8 billion of Earth’s population to join us. It only takes a small fraction of us to permanently shift our global paradigm from fear, lack, and scarcity to harmony and love. In fact, just 8-10 percent of the global population is needed to generate the momentum to dramatically transform humanity.

When 8-10 percent of humanity is engaged in conscious living, we will reach that planetary tipping point – where these practices and ideals will become obvious and commonplace, where people will wake up to their true nature.

There is no time to waste.

The Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative is all about reaching that tipping point as soon as possible. It’s a global empowerment movement toward large-scale, positive change within a single generation. Our mission is to inspire 800+ million people to become conscious expressions of Oneness on Earth and create the tipping point for making conscious living pervasive by 2040.

With more than 1.5 million friends in 150 countries, Humanity’s Team’s growing community will reach the critical mass necessary to shift from a paradigm of separation to a new age of consciousness based on love, compassion, and unity.

A Future Worth Living In

How will we know when we have succeeded in making conscious living pervasive? We will know when we experience a world in harmony. We will see people caring for each other and the Earth. We will see fewer climate disasters. Violent crime will be dramatically reduced. Poverty and starvation will become a thing of the past. We will experience increased life satisfaction, with people living healthier, more joyful lives. 

Our focus will shift from consumption to community, where happiness is derived from the quality of our relationships. We will teach and value compassion, cooperation, and communication in our schools and families – rather than competition and comparison. We will shift from transactional relating to transparent, transformative relating.

We’ll know we have succeeded when we live in ways that nurture all forms of life on our planet. No longer detached from the world around us, we will come back into harmony with the Universe to steward and serve all life. We will joyfully accept responsibility for our own life and for our role in the planetary family. We will commit to our own evolution by focusing on our personal growth, strengthening our inner world, and sharing our love and gifts with the world.

Signs of Hope

As we celebrate this two-year anniversary of the Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative, there are already many signs of hope. In science, the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded in 2022 to researchers for proving entanglement, a phenomenon where two things with no physical connection can deeply affect each other, even over great distances. In the field of quantum physics, new research confirms that in spite of how things look to us in the physical realm, in the quantum realm, everything is deeply connected and in a constant state of interaction. 

In politics, this year’s presidential election in the United States is seeing a shift from the two-party status quo with an independent candidate. In education, the number of homeschooled students in the United States has nearly doubled in the last five years, suggesting a thirst for education beyond what state-controlled schools can offer.

In the last seven months alone, Humanity’s Team has increased our combined presence on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube by 85 percent. Our message of hope and transformation is gaining momentum.

How We Reach That Tipping Point

The Changing Humanity's Future Initiative is a global empowerment movement to create a sustainable and flourishing world for the 8 billion people on Earth. We will do this by offering transformational education and practical tools in conscious living, and by building a supportive community of change agents worldwide. This two-prong approach of transformational education and global outreach lies at the center of any widespread, impactful societal change.

Transformational Education

Our focus is to create high-quality, transformational programs and make them available to people in every country in the world. These programs are designed to help humanity develop new skills, become more compassionate, and reach a higher level of consciousness.

With more than 175 Masterclasses and video training programs, our streaming platform Humanity Stream+ offers a wealth of knowledge in science, spirituality, embodied practices, and holistic well-being. Yet, it’s more than just a streaming platform. It is the combined teachings, wisdom, and transformational practices from more than 100 leaders and experts in dozens of fields that support the greater understanding of Oneness. Humanity Stream+ also includes tools to address key problems facing humanity, as well as the personal and collective solutions to transform them. These resources serve as a beacon of authenticity and empowerment, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. They pave a path toward living in harmony with the greater reality.

Global Outreach

Our major focus this year is to raise awareness everywhere. For us, this means launching a major push into all media, including Facebook, YouTube, direct email, publications, blogs, LinkedIn, Zoom media, and all other major platforms. We will also broaden our community through our newsletter, global partners, the Humanitys.Team social network, as well as retreats, seminars, and community-based programs.

We will increase our current team of 65 country coordinators to host local events and operate on-the-ground humanitarian projects. Plans are already in the works to make our educational content available in libraries and schools around the world. We will also translate our website into multiple languages to make it more accessible internationally.

Major Progress to Report

In the last six months, Humanity’s Team has made major progress in reaching more people with our transformational programs, podcasts, videos and blog. We now have a presence on all the major social media platforms, where we reach hundreds of thousands of people.

We are currently creating programs for kids and young adults that will help them break their addiction to hand-held digital devices so they can become reacquainted with nature and help them re-engage with the living world around them.

Humanity’s Team has also made an enormous leap forward toward our goal of adding captions in more than 70 languages to all of our major Masterclasses.

And we’re just getting started.

We Need You

Together with your help, we can make conscious living pervasive by 2040. We can create the changes we seek within a single generation. When a critical mass of conscious creators unites as One, we become unstoppable. When we think and act consciously, there is nothing we humans can’t do. Will you join us?

Our global movement needs you. Each one of us has a critical role to play in this planetary awakening. We can change the filter through which we see the world and our daily lives. We can switch from fear to love. We can embrace a social cause that holds meaning for us. We can overcome the challenges to our own evolution by surrounding ourselves with things that inspire and encourage our own greatness.

Join this incredible network of positive change agents who are committed to awakening a conscious humanity. With your help, we will reach every home and community in the world.

Help us make that bright future a reality now. Here’s how:

Spread the Word 

Tell your friends and family about Humanity’s Team’s vision and about the free resources available through our website and newsletter.


Be part of our volunteer team  to broaden our global outreach and spread the word about the Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative.

Join Humanity Stream+

When you purchase a subscription to Humanity Stream+, a second subscription will be given free of charge to an underprivileged or underserved individual for every purchased one. That’s double the impact.


As a nonprofit, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to support our efforts to elevate consciousness on a massive, global scale. Donations – as well as revenue from our masterclasses and Humanity Stream+ subscriptions – influence how fast we can make our transformational tools and conscious community available around the world. We invite you to contribute to making this Initiative a reality.

Let’s Keep the Momentum Going

The consciousness level of humanity is shifting. We are moving to a higher, more expanded state – one that is based on love, balance, and harmony rather than fear.

Each of us has a choice. We can keep living under what Albert Einstein referred to as the “illusion of separation” or we can embrace our true interconnected nature. This is our “Galileo Moment” right now, our moment to embrace our true reality, which is the Oneness of the Universe.

Help us transform the planet to a new world of peace and possibility for all 8 billion people. Join us to create a better world. Together, we’ll create a new way of living on the Earth. Together, we can create a regenerative and flourishing planet for all.

Paul Perry, Raymond Moody, Karen Noe
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Join host Steve Farrell as he delves into the mysteries of the afterlife with experts Raymond Moody, Paul Perry, and Karen Noe. Discover insights on consciousness beyond the physical body, life reviews, shared death experiences, and why understanding the afterlife brings peace and connection. Listen now to explore “Heaven on Earth and Beyond.”
Suzanne Giesemann
July 3, 2024
Join medium Suzanne Giesemann and host Steve Farrell as they explore the enduring connection of love beyond the physical realm. Discover methods for connecting with the afterlife, tapping into shared consciousness, and living “The Awakened Way.” Listen to “Love Never Dies” for insights on embracing Oneness and higher consciousness.
Charles Eisenstein
June 20, 2024
In this podcast, renowned teacher, speaker, and author known for his profound explorations into civilization, consciousness, and cultural evolution Charles Eisenstein joins host Steve Farrell for a discussion on “Rediscovering Our True Selves,” where you will explore why questions are often more impactful than answers themselves and how we can unlearn the unproductive and harmful things we have been taught—even if our programming is centuries old.
Pam Oslie
June 13, 2024
In this podcast, renowned visionary, consultant, professional psychic intuitive, and author Pam Oslie joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on how to, “Unlock Your Potential: Quantum Leap in Transformation,” where you will discover how expanding your consciousness doesn’t always include shedding old beliefs, but rather allowing ourselves to expand upon, learn from, and discover more about in order to step into new ways of life that allow us to be the best versions of ourselves.

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