Free Yourself from Inner Tyranny – The Spiritual Meaning of Independence Day
As you already know, today marks the day the leaders of the American colonies ratified the Declaration of Independence, signaling their intention to liberate themselves from the tyranny of the British…
But because you and I are spiritual people, today also calls us to reflect not just on that piece of history, but on how we can each make a bold change in our own lives.
Can we stop accommodating the forces around us and within us that have led us to doing things that don’t serve our best interests?
For instance, is there a behavior you adopted or a relationship you agreed to, perhaps years ago, that you’d like to break free from?
Is there a person in your life with whom you’d like to start fresh?
Or is there a different pattern operating in the shadows of your life that you’d like to hold up to the light of your awareness, so you don’t continue to be unconsciously ruled by it?
While the coronavirus pandemic limits our external movement in much of the world, there’s still meaningful movement we can take within the spheres of our personal and professional lives.
What is one small change you want to make, to provide for your own future security, and that of the coming generations?
I invite you to take a moment to think about this, and if you’d like, to let us know what the courage of historical leaders inspires you to do differently this week or month.
Now, I’m also aware in writing this that the word “independence” can seem loaded…like you have to make these changes all on your own…when nothing is further from the truth.
I’ve been deeply supported by a great number of people in becoming my own “best self,” and I still consider myself a work in progress.
The way that other people help us to grow is one of the main reasons we at Humanity’s Team are so committed to bringing you the spiritual programming that supports conscious evolution, planetary awakening, and flourishing in every dimension of life.
As each of our community members becomes more aware of their freedom to live a deeply spiritual and meaningful life, I believe that together we can bring forth something the world has never before seen.
I’m grateful beyond words to you for being part of our mission.
And in whatever corner of the country or the world you’re living in, I hope you feel inspired by today’s holiday to find the next best step for you to take to make spiritual freedom real.
Steve Farrell
Worldwide Executive Director
Humanity’s Team