A conscious world where people care about creating and experiencing the fullness of well-being and harmony…
Where the Oneness perspective is the norm…
And where the “tried and true” concepts in textbook economics are seen as upside-down thinking...
This is a new kind of world. A Conscious World.
A world that ethical markets and conscious business pioneer Hazel Henderson has been working to create for decades.
Hazel, Ethical Markets CEO, Founder, and Editor-in-Chief, is a futurist, evolutionary economist, and author of many books including the award-winning Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy.
In this podcast, “The Love Economy,” Steve Farrell and Hazel discuss her layer cake economic perspective and look at how an emphasis on GDP (Gross Domestic Product) does not take into account the “non-monetized” half of a layer cake.
At the top are the monetized private and public sectors. But by placing emphasis and importance on the top layers of the cake, the GDP recklessly ignores huge parts of a nation’s production, including parenting, care of family members, volunteering, and the obvious abundance of production found in nature.
It is the lower, non-monetized layers of the cake that make up what Hazel calls The Love Economy.
Steve and Hazel also talk about the many global issues of our time and how through conscious globalization, as well as conscious living and conscious business practices, these issues can be resolved.
Tune in to Ep. 34: “The Love Economy” to hear more from Hazel and Steve about…
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