“The act of looking for something to be there, is the act of creation,” says scientist, visionary, scholar, and
New York Times best-selling author
Gregg Braden.
When we have the “awareness that all things are connected,” Gregg says, “our thoughts follow suit.”
We now know that the human body functions with two brains: one in the head and one in the heart. A truly surprising and exciting scientific finding is that the heart has the strongest biomagnetic field which can consciously be harmonized with both the mental brain and our natural surroundings.
When we’re in harmony with the Earth herself, we become deeply intuitive. Over thirteen hundred positive biochemical reactions are triggered, and we have a direct hotline to the subconscious.
From that state of harmony, we’re able to influence and promote more connection, harmony, cooperation, and communication all throughout the world.
This is what Gregg calls feeding the Field that connects all things.
The Field recognizes both harmony and chaos. Depending on the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel, we’re continually contributing to one or the other.
In this podcast “Feeding the Field,” Gregg and Steve discuss…
This is to say, in every moment of every day we are either making our world more cooperative and loving or more aggressive and competitive.
How are you feeding the Field?
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
For instant access to “Accelerating Your Evolution Through Science,” a free online video program series with Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, and HeartMath leaders Dr. Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin, go here.
For instant access to “Be the Inspiration. Be the Influence… Be the Leader,” the free online video program series with Evolutionary Pioneer Steve Farrell, go here.
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