Every step we take is faith.
But rarely do we ever doubt our faith in our steps upon the earth.
Think about it; every step you take requires you to place a tremendous amount of faith in the ground beneath your feet being solid. It is possible, after all, for the ground to crumble beneath your feet upon your next step. You could fall straight through the earth. Or your foot could fall cleanly off your ankle.
But none of this happens (usually), and so we typically just walk about the day not questioning our faith in our steps. Our faith in our steps is strong.
And do you know what's even stronger than our faith in our steps? Our faith in our soul's desire: the yearning at the soulular level for something specifically-you and miraculous to come to fruition. This desire is the culmination of many spiritual steps. But all this faith can amount to nothing if we bring doubt every step along the way.
Think about how inefficient it would be to question every physical footstep you take during the day. For one, you'd need to double your travel time. And for two, you'd be very stressed all along the way.
This is exactly what happens when we bring doubt into our spiritual steps.
But we have good news:
the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
This means that we have the power of God (All-that-Is) providing our desire in order to help us along the way and experience with us its fruition.
Nobody enters a medical procedure with sadness about the ailment, but with joy about the promise of its healing.
Similarly, I invite you today-eternally to rejoice in the promise of your fulfillment. It is on its way; in fact, it's already Here.
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