I hope and trust that you and your family are safe and feeling comfortable. All of us in Humanity’s Team are here for you and with you during this challenging time.
As we enter the third month of the global pandemic, people have many questions on their minds about health, finances, safety, and, in general, what the re-opening of the world will look like.
None of us have answers to those kinds of questions. But as the old saying goes, time will tell.
This question, though—the one I’m hearing being asked with both sincerity and anger—is one I believe I do have an answer to…“Where is God in all of this?”
Some are saying that since we don’t want anything to do with God in our schools, at work, and in public discourse, God has retreated.
I heard one version of that sentiment that goes like this (and please forgive the overuse of the male pronoun)…
He, being a gentleman, has deserted us and left us to our own devices. If we don’t want anything to do with God, He says “fine” and departs our life. We are now left alone to fend for ourselves during the pandemic.
How does that sit with you?
I believe the idea that God has left us is the furthest thing from the truth.
I believe the Divine is very present now and is speaking to each of us who are willing to hear.
I believe the Divine actually has always been present sharing messages of love, hope, and possibility but we’ve mostly been too busy to really hear Her/His messages.
Now, as many of us find ourselves less busy and more available, there is an opening where we can take time for silence and really listen for and hear the Divine speaking to us.
Within Humanity’s Team, we often talk to one another about our moments of Divine inspiration. Here are some of the messages we’re hearing, shared with you in the first person as though the Divine is speaking to us right here, right now.
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Do you want a relationship with Me?
Is it a priority to feel close with me, to be One with me?
Do you feel my love for you?
Do you see Me in your partner, your child? Do you see Me in your co-workers? Do you see Me in the grocery store clerk, the newspaper delivery person, the housekeeper, the janitor?
Do you see Me in the Earth, in your dog and your cat? Do you see Me in the wild and in nature?
Do you know Who I Am and Who You Are?
Your planet is fragile and is very challenged at this time. The Earth is my offspring just as you are my offspring.
Do you consider yourself a friend of the Earth and do you want to steward the Earth, the precious planet you’ve been given?
Many who live on the Earth are living in very substandard conditions without adequate food, shelter and medical care. You are part of them just as they are part of you. Do you wish to be of service to them?
Will you make them a priority in your life?
Do you experience the universe as a living system? Do you see yourself as part of a Larger Whole, a Larger Form…
a Little Self that is part of a Big Self?
The New Spirituality says that the Divine is unified with everything, that everything we touch and see and feel is likewise the Divine in manifest form.
Do you experience this?
Serve Life First will be the motto of the New Spirituality. This will be the credo. How does this make you feel?
When the pandemic is no more, do you wish to return to your old ways or do you wish to move in a new direction, a direction that brings you closer to Me, to your brothers and sisters on the Earth and the Earth Herself?
Do you desire my assistance? If yes, will you call on me, and are you clear that I always respond?
I am here.
In fact, I am always here. Come to Me when you desire to be with Me and know I will support you always and in all ways.
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Within Humanity’s Team, these are some of the things we hear God say when we still ourselves.
How about you? Are you feeling the Divine’s presence? If so, what does it feel like for you?
Does the Divine whisper important messages to you in the silence of your mind?
We’d love to hear from you. If you like the idea, please take a moment to share with us on our Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/HumanitysTeamWorldwide/
In service,