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Jude Currivan and Our Secret Super Power

H.T. Willis Mitchell • August 16, 2023

Jude Currivan and Our Secret Super Power

I am completely humbled and blown away when I come across the brilliance of amazing people. I met one such lady almost twelve years ago. Her name is Barbara Marx Hubbard, and I was only lucky enough to spend a few hours in her company. But I do remember her squeezing my hand between hers and how brightly her eyes shined.

Listening to Jude and meeting with her online, I was struck by how she reminds me of Barbara like no other. Barbara's moved beyond this place, but as you might suspect, they were good friends!

In an interview with Steve Farrell, Jude used a term that is very near and dear to my heart because it took years of work to grasp it in pre-Zen cosmology. The link for the interview appears at the bottom of this blog post. It introduces the unique master class, Our Conscious (R)evolution.

      However, all those years ago, when I met Barbara, I couldn't hear most of the brilliant people available at the time. Words just couldn't get it done. I was at a crossroads, unable to find a teacher who touched my soul. So I listened carefully as a lifelong yogi does, letting go of the outcomes of thought to hear the direction of my path. Having spent a lifetime deconstructing technical challenges, I set out to understand the most difficult book imaginable, The Lankavatara Sutra (Lanka).

The term that Jude used was also crucial to my path's discovery, "our innate superpower, intuition." But then she made the point especially clear for me, talking about the actualization of masculinity and femininity within us all. Having been raised to be a cowboy, it hit me head-on because intuition was first and foremost a secret for a country boy, even if a superpower.

 Intuition often gets an undeserved bad name, but it is our most significant opportunity to connect the world with our oneness. The confusion is that there are two stages of intuition. I label them visionary and universal. Society needs help trusting the often misunderstood and sometimes misused visionary aspect of intuition. The difficulty is with extra-sensory perception (ESP) or psychic perceptions, which are less attractive to me, because they only resonate with some people.

However, the Lanka presents a third definition for intuition which is much more than randomly accessed innate knowledge and may or may not include visionary aspects.    Intuition to the ancients was an active state of awareness, a concentrated singularity of mind, more powerful than thinking, talking, or doing. So, it's different from our standard label, more akin to a disciplined perception. But what is the distinction?

Innate intelligence is always there, protecting us, and feeding our consciousness below the level of thought. But the threshold between intuition and innate intelligence is unclear. Only when it crosses from the subconscious into conscious awareness, do we call it intuition. There is risk in this emergence, coloring our innate intelligence with habitual thought.

However, a famous experiment, at the University of Berne, demonstrated our incredible natural power. College girls were asked to identify the most attractive smell, from shirts previously worn by male classmates. This way, each young woman's intuitive appreciation could be quantified and analyzed against a broad spectrum of characteristics. It provided a unique window into our innate powers of subconscious sense-perception. The researchers were overwhelmingly surprised.

The critical issue being studied was the health profile of participants, male and female. Comparing immune systems indicated that the male, who repeatedly ranked highest, had the most dissimilar immune system relative to the female who chose them. Scientists theorized this showed a very sophisticated, innate, intuitive, or instinctive judgment by the females. In fact, the girl's intuitive preference provided potential offspring with the best biological advantage: the most diversified and robust immune system.

 The complexity and power of this non-rational judgment can't be over-emphasized. Intuition is clearly a super-sense when it correlates immunology to optimize long-term species' health. Understanding this leaves the door open to infinite possibilities. Intuition in this context is accessible use of the subconscious, because there is no way anyone knew their own immunological profile, much less that of the young men. So, why can we only tap into this subconscious database sometimes? Why do many people, especially males, distrust their own intuition?

My favorite quote from Jude's interview gives the best clue, "When we're joyful, when we have reason to be grateful, that is when we're in a profound resonance with the evolutionary flow of the universe." Her understanding holds the magic key to why intuition works to our benefit or gets us in trouble. When joyful or grateful, we are not worrying. We are not caught up in the mind stuff. And in the Berne experiment, the young women were separated from the subjects of desire and fantasy because they would never know who they had chosen, nor what it indicated. They were detached from the outcomes of thought by design.

So, intuition doesn't seem mysterious or weird if we recognize it is just how we work. But it is below our everyday awareness since we can't process every sensory input. Nonetheless, it is all correlated and fed back as intuition influencing preferences, thoughts, and information essential to survival. As such, it is the most valuable asset to our well-being.

 The universal aspect of intuition is seen in everyone's awareness. We all have the experience of non-logical knowing, at least in a subtle sense perception. But the Lanka raised the bar to another level, including intuition as the mechanism of controlled subconscious access. 

The Buddha discards the addictive habits of judgment, memory and imagination from which false-imaginations arise.

In this inevitable moment of suchness, the external world is seen in the reality of Mind-only creation, where intuition of entangled mutuality reveals the realm of unimaginable surprise.

Effortless Belonging, Lanka, Chapter 2, section XIV

It may seem wildly out of the ordinary to consider that all the aspects of our thinking, might be creating the delusion mystics speak of. People have said life is an illusion, but in my experience life seems pretty real. Is it just possible that the illusion isn’t life? Could the delusion be our limited perception as judgment, prejudice and opinion?

The suchness, referred to in the stanza, is the natural quietude of mind, where we experience the resonance of joy and gratitude, which Jude was high lighting. The trick that takes it to the next level is not the elimination of thought, but letting go of the outcomes of thought, as who we think we are. Intuition in this universal secret superpower, is to see into the oneness of everything’s energetic mutuality. Here the world shape shifts into an orchestrated synchronicity, which Jude called out, quite clearly.

Jude says, “Our entire universe exists and evolves as a non-locally unified entity.”

Being old fashioned, I prefer to call the entanglement of life’s oneness, the living intelligence or what Neale Donald Walsch calls God. It is from this living intelligence, resident and generated by all of us, that synchronicity comes from. Physics is now proving the ubiquitous life of all things down to the electron, one day soon they will verify the energetic entanglement of organic systems, as the discovery of life force itself. By extension it will make sense of everything we’ve called mystical.  But that’s another story.

The Keys to Evolving in a Conscious Universe with Jude Currivan, Ph.D. - Our Conscious (R)evolution with Dr. Jude Currivan - Humanity Stream (

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