On Wednesday evening we had a very exciting launch of our new free program series about authentic manifestation with Christy Whitman and Debra Poneman called “Become the Conscious Creator of Your Own Life.”
During the Q&A after Christy’s presentation, some viewers expressed surprise that Humanity’s Team was presenting a free series and upcoming masterclass on manifestation. They wondered why we didn’t jump on the bandwagon of “Law of Attraction” popularity after the movie The Secret came out in 2006 and they asked, “Why now?”
I was really happy we were asked, because this subject has actually been on my mind lately.
Of course, we in the spiritual community know that thought matters. So why haven’t we ventured into this territory before now?
The answer is simple and heartfelt. But before I go on, let me say that the particular language of the “Law of Attraction” is not new. For example, William Walker Atkinson’s book, Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World was published in 1906.
The Secret certainly generated interest in the subject, though, and along with the rise in interest came a surge of books, presentations, workshops, and courses. Many of these focused on teaching people how to manifest material things in the hopes that this would bring forth more happiness. And I’ll admit that when Stephanie and I synchronistically “found” our beautiful home in Boulder, Colorado, we were pretty happy.
But here’s where I want to talk about why we at Humanity’s Team didn’t choose to ride that wave of Law of Attraction popularity.
We are certainly not faulting anyone who is reaching for material wealth or any other form of material abundance through the use of positive thinking, vision boards, etc. Everyone is on their own perfect path.
But we see a difference between wanting to manifest something in the external world because we think the having of it will make us feel more content and happy and desiring some kind of internal change that will expand our hearts and extend our love.
The latter requires a surrender of ego-desires and an opening to Divine guidance so that by our willingness to be in service to the world in some way large or small, we will be “moved” into a permanent state of contentment and gladness.
When we began collaborating with Debra Poneman and Christy Whitman in the creation of their 2-part free video series and masterclass, I soon realized that these two women embodied the power of thought, but that they did it in a way that involved leaving ego-mind aside and allowing Divine Mind to move through them. They and their teachings are authentically powerful and perfectly aligned with the heart of Humanity’s Team.
The basis of their work is spiritual. Christy channels great wisdom from The Council, and Debra is a meditation teacher certified through The Art of Living Foundation. They both left career paths that were on the rise when guidance moved them in new directions of service—first to their families and then to the world at large.
Over the years I’ve witnessed hundreds of examples where life has lined up in unexpected ways. I’ve also noticed that some manifestations are temporary and fleeting while others stick. If you’re at a place in your life where you’re frustrated with the temporary nature of things attracted and no longer want to put your faith in external happiness, I invite you to explore authentic and powerful manifestation so that you can feel a deep inner peace.
Together in Mind,