“Love is the one thing we don’t wake up out of.”
This is one of the many beautiful and thought-provoking comments Matt Kahn shares in this special rebroadcast interview with Steve Farrell.
Matt is a mystic, an empath, a spiritual teacher and author of Whatever Arises, Love That. His spontaneous awakening arose from an out-of-body experience he had at the age of eight and other mystical experiences throughout his life.
Using his highly attuned intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt serves as a bridge between the mystical realms and the journey of awakening.
He says that it’s through the living Presence that he’s able to assist and help in awakening that spark of Divinity and wellbeing in others, and of course assist in the evolution of our planet.
Listen to this podcast interview, “Whatever Arises, Love That,” to hear Matt talk about how…
Sooner or later you’ll wake up to a bigger truth
The one thing you never wake up out of is Love
The higher you ascend into higher dimensions, the higher your vibration goes, the more loving you become
Any and every one of us is capable at any moment to have the biggest realizations possible
And so much more, including how you can use his powerful I Am affirmation…
“We are all agents of the Divine,” Matt says, “stepping back in time to visit ourselves in spiritual childhood.”
For instant access to Accelerating Your Evolution Through Science, a free online video program series with Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and HeartMath leaders Dr. Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin, go here .
For instant access to Neale Donald Walsch’s free online video program series The Secret To Living Your Best Possible Life, go here .
For instant access to The Keys to Healing Trauma, a free online video program series with Thomas Hübl and Joan Borysenko, PhD, go here .
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