Working for an unconscious company and “handing over the keys” to most of our workday is often considered acceptable if we believe the job can lead to financial prosperity.
But consider that
in many ways we already are “rich.” Just 100 years ago, over half the population did not have electricity in their home, hot piped water, a bathtub, shower, flush toilet or a car.
Even the ultrarich lacked these conveniences in the late 19th century. And, if we go back further in time, in the ancient city of Pompeii, the rich lived in homes much smaller than almost all of us live in today.
Too often in today’s world, we compare ourselves to wealthy celebrities, sports figures, and highly successful CEOs, but is there any real value in this (especially when you consider how dysfunctional wealthy lifestyles often are in reality)?
I’m guessing all of us have access to electricity, running water, a fully functioning bathroom and transportation. Our basic needs are covered. In a sense, we are kings, queens, princes and princesses already.
because we are on the conscious journey, we know we came into this life for a purpose—beyond just material comfort.
For most of us, that purpose has to do with healing and stewarding the Earth, extending a hand to those who request our assistance, and taking good care of ourselves, our family, our co-workers and our friends.
Now more than ever, we must be careful to
adjust our worldview, react to events in a healing way and maintain a course involving sacred action.
This is what it means to be conscious. We will each do this in a different way because we are all different, but we will all keep our focus and attention on these things.
In each case,
we will be an expression of love, because this is what it means to be on a conscious journey.
Thank you for being devoted to the journey with us!
In Oneness and service,