I’m guessing you’ve studied the process of becoming conscious for years, if not decades. You can probably convey what this looks like in your sleep.
But, are you living it fully?
Most of us have developed habits and patterns over a lifetime that are what Mark Nepo says are like “coiled cable.” To stretch cable out and make it straight requires great effort.
It is not enough to just think about elevated consciousness or presence. This will accomplish little.
We must consciously express from a whole new place. We can call this place our Divine self, our higher self, connection to Source or something else. It matters not the name.
In my spiritual practice, I feel deeply into this place. I will do my best to put words to my personal journey, though the feeling is beyond words.
In this place, there is only the highest expression of love, of care, blessing, grace, peace, beauty and service. Yes, service.
There is a desire to be in service because we are surrounded by utter beauty.
Everything is an expression of the Divine. Everything: each person, the earth and life in its myriad forms is stunningly beautiful.
How can we not be in service to that which is the highest expression of love?
Most of us are sequestered in our homes now and, for some of us, finding space for silence comes easily. There is ample time to feel into our interior world, to go within.
For others of us, being with family or roommates for hours on end is completely outside of our comfort zone. For these people, finding space to be alone is challenging but extremely important.
For all of us, taking time to explore our interior world is of huge value, because it positively influences our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of those in our households.
When we bring forth what we feel into, when we express that, we break old molds. We straighten cable that has been coiled for a lifetime.
We become something new.
We express something that we’ve felt but that has never been given form. Some say “we’ve been born again.” In many ways we have.
I know a person who recently became widowed. She shared that she left retirement to become active again in the medical profession until the pandemic passes. Medical teams need assistance. So, she is there. She believes God called her to this. She has never felt more fulfilled even though she puts herself in harm’s way each day that she goes to the hospital.
Could it be that the pandemic comes as an invitation?
Is the invitation to perhaps feel into and give expression to our highest possibility?
What does that look like for you?
I believe this is our moment. We are all being called to embody and express our highest potential and capacities.
Sacred text says we are “made in the likeness and image of God.” Are you open to giving expression to that?
If we do this together, we will call forth a new humanity, a new earth. The Coronavirus pandemic will become something other than a global medical emergency.
Barbara Marx Hubbard had said we would birth a new humanity in this generation.
We will give this form. We will create a whole new way of living together in our homes and collectively.
We will create something beautiful. We can do this now. We are doing this now.
I’m in. How about you?
In service,
Steve Farrell
Worldwide Executive Director
Humanity’s Team