“Our gut bacteria make the lion’s share of our neurotransmitters. And you can say affirmations till the cows come home and if you don’t have good gut bacteria, you’re still going to be anxious,” says Joan Borysenko, PhD, a Harvard-trained cell biologist, health psychologist, and New York Timesbest-selling author.
In this podcast, “Food, Mood, and More with Joan Borysenko, PhD,” a special rebroadcast interview with Joan, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and Steve Farrell, Joan speaks to the fact that the health of Americans has been on a downward trajectory with a very high infant and mortality rate, especially in disenfranchised areas where poverty exists.
Joan wants people to understand that we’re having a healthcare crisis. In terms of healing, including self-healing, and in terms of how the environment affects us, the food we eat, she says, is the largest environmental effect on our health.
Joan, Barbara, and Steve talk about how all the different facets of life, represented in Barbara’s Wheel of Co-Creation, are highly interrelated. And how bringing together all the resources of the Wheel can help to solve the public healthcare crisis.
Tune in to this podcast, Ep. 39: Food, Mood, and More with Joan Borysenko, PhD, to hear more about…
We can all agree that the food choices we make, make a difference. Joan also encourages us to remember that the story we tell ourselves matters just as much.
“You change the story,” Joan tells us, “you change the biochemical matrix in which your cells are doing their thing!”
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
For instant access to “The Keys to Healing Trauma,” a free online video program series with Thomas Hübl and Joan Borysenko, PhD, go here.
For instant access to “Be the Inspiration. Be the Influence… Be the Leader,” the free online video program series with Evolutionary Pioneer Steve Farrell, go here.
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