Mind Matters.
This, Cassandra Vieten says, is one of three premises of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). Cassandra, senior fellow at IONS, worked with the Institute for 18 years in successive roles as scientist, director of research, CEO, and president from 2013-2019.
In this podcast, “Mind Matters,” Cassandra and Steve Farrell, executive director of Humanity’s Team, discuss how it is that human beings make foundational shifts in their personal worldviews which then give rise to radical new ways of being in the world.
Cassandra and Steve agree that many, or maybe even most, of the problems we face are rooted in limitations in human consciousness.
They also talk about how human consciousness can be transformed from ego needs—accomplishments, accolades, acquisitions, and a need to defend our personal story and beliefs from threats—to…
A conscious awareness that holds an interest in personal and collective well-being—in meaning, joy, and the creation of beauty.
“The way that we view the world,” Cassandra says in her conversation with Steve, “the way that we view ourselves and our relationships to others and the world, influences how we behave and how we treat one another and how we treat the planet.”
Tune in to this podcast, Ep. 38: Mind Matters, to hear Cassandra and Steve talk more about…
Are you ready for a new you? A new world? Do you have the little dose of Good Will that will bring on the shift? The willingness that will reveal the perfection that is already here?
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
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Thomas Hübl and Joan Borysenko, PhD,
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