“What if music could be used to make people feel better? What if sound could be used to heal?”
These are the questions
Jonathan Goldman, creator of Healing Sounds and co-creator of World Sound Healing Day, asked himself while on stage one night playing a kind of music that he realized was helping to induce an ambience of negativity and violence rather than positivity and peace.
In this special rebroadcast interview, Jonathan, Anna-Mari Pieterse, country coordinator for Humanity’s Team South Africa, and Steve Farrell, executive director of Humanity’s Team talk about the healing power of sound, dance, rhythm, and music.
Anna-Mari is well known for her passion for uBuntu—I Am because We Are. We Are All One— and her relentless efforts when it comes to raising consciousness for what she regards as ‘Africa’s most precious Spiritual Heritage.’
Tune in to our podcast to hear Jonathan, Anna-Mari, and Steve talk about…
Steve also asks Jonathan about World Sound Healing Day, a February 14th celebration of sound where “tens of thousands of people throughout the planet join together and sound forth for 5 minutes with the 'AH' created and projected with the energy of compassion and love, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth.”
Listen to this episode, “Sound Healing Makes a Difference,” and learn how to heal in joy.
For instant access to Smarter, Strong, Faster, a brand-new free online video program series with Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and Lynne McTaggart, go here
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Accelerating Your Evolution Through Science, a free online video program series with
Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and HeartMath leaders Dr. Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin,
go here .
For instant access to Neale Donald Walsch’s free online video program series The Secret To Living Your Best Possible Life, go here .
For instant access to The Keys to Healing Trauma, a free online video program series with T homas Hübl and Joan Borysenko, PhD, go here .
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