Here at Humanity’s Team, we’re putting the finishing touches on the preparations for our 12th Annual Global Oneness Summit, “Opening to Your Universal Self,” which is just around the corner, beginning on Saturday, October 16th and running for 9 days through Sunday, October 24th, the actual Global Oneness Day.
Today, I’d like to share with you some thoughts I’ve been having about the deeper purpose and mission of our nonprofit organization and how the various programs and projects we share with you in our communications—including PACE and the Global Oneness Summit—actually work hand in hand.
To be honest with you, sometimes I’m perplexed as to how it came to be that Humanity’s Team, co-founded by Neale Donald Walsch and myself back in 2003, was touched by the hand of The Divine for the purpose of supporting the awakening of humanity.
Certainly, many other individuals and organizations were doing consciousness-raising work at that time, and continue to do so. But if only you could jump into my personal reality and feel for just a moment the call, the pull, the draw, the intense commitment toward conscious living that pulsates through me every day and which is felt and lived by the entire team here at Humanity’s Team.
This calling is not based in lack or fear or some sense that there’s imperfection of any sort, because our foundational core here at Humanity’s Team is Oneness, Unity, and Divine Presence.
Our drive is simply Will moving through us. And I know that you have similar feelings and impulses, else you wouldn’t be reading this email from me!
When we talk about PACE (Planetary Awakening & Conscious Evolution)—and invite you to join with us and global thought leaders to Pick Up the Pace in your homes, workplaces, and communities—what we’re really talking about is what’s referred to as “The First Domino Effect.”
When it comes to our goal of making conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040, what else besides conscious living itself would that first domino be?
And what does this mean?
Well, for me conscious living is about becoming more…
In Flow and
In Harmony with life..
On an individual and collective level.
And it’s about…
- Taking responsibility and building fence posts into the wider world,
- Encouraging and supporting true connections,
- Developing and expressing leadership skills,
- Nurturing and effecting positive change,
- Evolving into being more loving, more truthful, and more sharing individuals.
All of this is to bring a variety of facets to the conscious living table.
The part you play in this state of conscious living is important. I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been in conversations with people who not long ago were trending in a positive and hopeful direction and, for some reason that I don’t fully comprehend, have shifted into a more futile and hopeless posture. They feel that we’re past the point of no return.
Return from what, I have to ask? Past the point of truth, reality, consciousness, Oneness?
This simply can’t be so…
Can it?
We began back in 2003 as a little nonprofit, and today I’m excited to tell you that with the reframing of our original Oneness mission statement as the PACE initiative, as well as the development and inclusion of our Humanity Stream Plus streaming subscription with hundreds of conscious video programs, our reach has increased dramatically. And so has the response to our vision and our mission.
Though we don’t hear much about it through the normal news platforms—including print, radio, TV, social media, and even personal conversations with friends and family—the fact of the matter is that “We Are One” is a prevalent understanding of what reality is.
While some are making plans to go “off planet” to survive, others, like you and all of us here at Humanity’s Team, are moving more and more into a harmonious, in tune, activated, passionate flow of Life. We know that we are all made of stardust, composed of the same “thing,” that we are interrelated and interdependent emanations of the One.
When we know this completely, we simply follow the little whispers that surround us all day long and take responsibility for every single thing we do. We know that we are constantly contributing to and receiving from the Field of potentiality. When awake and conscious we don’t live in reaction but rather we live proactively toward Love for all of Life.
If ever there was a time to embrace conscious living and have it be the overarching theme of our lives, it has to be now!
Why else were we born at this time, on this planet, but to embrace the possibility of Heaven on Earth and participate as an aspect of the First Domino to effect systemic change?
This can not continue to sit on the ground of philosophy and conversation. It is up to each one of us to apply what we know, to claim our true identity, and to commit to embodying our conscious selves. This is about application, not just a regurgitation of ideas. :)
One thing I do to keep myself inspired and in the flow is listen to spiritual music throughout the day. Hearing the beautiful harmonies and melodies automatically deepens my sense of the spiritual ocean in which we all exist. This is the container of connection. Without this connection and deepening, life would feel meaningless to me. It would actually feel insane.
I choose to live in a sane and beautiful world. I choose Opening to Your Universal Self, the theme of our Global Oneness Summit this year.
What do you choose? Please share your thoughts with us about the First Domino Effect and how you see your part unfolding.
Through PACE, the Global Oneness Summit, Humanity Stream Plus and every other program and project we’re involved with, Humanity’s Team is creating a culture of alignment with the highest values of which we can conceive.
We are building a conscious living platform, creating inclusive paths to the mountaintop: places of connection, communion, and community. As Will moves through us, we are listening. We wake up to be in service to Truth and we are so appreciative of your ongoing support and participation.
We are grateful and honored to have been tapped by the grace of God for this role and contribution to the wholeness of the conscious world. I know you’ve been tapped by this same Divine grace or you would not be reading my communication now.
Together, anything is possible. Wow!