In the last post, ‘How Can It Be That We Are All One,’ we explored how each person is interconnected and interdependent with all of life. The foundation of this interconnectedness is what’s known as the Unified Field. This field of energy not only connects everything, it is everything. As Albert Einstein once said, “the field is the only reality.”
“Human beings and all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other thing in the world. This pulsating energy field is the central engine of our being and our consciousness, the alpha and the omega of our existence.” – Lynne McTaggart
“All of existence is interrelated, totally connected, consciously intelligent and completely accessible to everyone.” – Barbara Marciniak
Not only are we connected with everything, we are One with All That Is. This concept can be hard to grasp. We are not taught about Oneness in school. It is common to go through life unaware that our thoughts and actions affect the whole – or that there is a “whole.”
“We are not separate, isolated individuals but multidimensional, interconnected beings of light living in an interconnected universe. What unfolds around us has a direct and tangible influence on our body, and likewise how we live has a direct effect on the universe.” – Barbara Wren
Unfortunately, an awareness of this interconnectedness doesn’t always trickle down to our daily thoughts and choices. Instead, we get caught up in our personal lives and the many roles and obligations that come with it. But it’s precisely because of our individual perspective that we are able to contemplate and experience Oneness. If we were always only experiencing being One with All That Is, without any connection to our diverse, singular experience, the individual “I” wouldn’t be there to notice.
That’s part of the Divine Paradox so often referred to in Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God books. Like a fish who doesn’t recognize water because the fish is always surrounded by it, we are immersed in Oneness in every moment without realizing it. Just as water is the nature of the fish’s reality, Oneness – also known as The Field, the Divine, Source, Higher Intelligence, Higher Self, the Universe, Spirit, God, Energy, or Life itself – is the nature of ours.
“There is nothing that is not God. God and creation are one. All is sacred.” – Charles Eisenstein
Science affirms that we are a single organism living in a non-dual universe. As cellular biologist Bruce Lipton puts it, “We are each and all cells in the body of an evolving giant super-organism we call humanity.” Apart from science-based explanations, there are religious explanations for our Oneness with God, as well as spiritual explanations for our inseparableness from the Divine. The downside is, all of these require belief – a belief in the science, in the religious doctrine, or in the spiritual teaching.
So, how might we move from a belief in Oneness to a knowingness at the core of our being? Through direct experience.
We experience our interconnectedness all the time through synchronicity, first impressions, feeling the energy of a room, or picking up on someone’s thoughts. Glimpses of Oneness can range from a sudden epiphany or insight to an out-of-body or near-death experience. We often feel this Oneness while in nature or in meditation – gazing at the stars, walking in a forest, contemplating the immensity of the ocean, or communing with our inner stillness.
These moments are powerful, as they have the potential to transform our framework of life. A single moment of Oneness can change our perspective forever, giving us a palpable sense that we are part of something greater than ourselves. We are reminded that our nature is to be kind, compassionate, generous, and loving. When we act from a place of Oneness, we naturally give, share, and live the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is the essence of Oneness. What we do to another person we are doing to another aspect of ourselves.
“Once you remember that you are in Oneness, you can’t hurt another person, because you realize the insanity of that. When you’re in Oneness, hurting another person would be like chopping off your little toe. Why would you do that? In Oneness, life is as You Are.” – Panache Desai
We are each a unique expression of the Divine, an aspect of the One. When we can look into another’s eyes and see ourselves, and see the Divine that is within everyone, that’s Oneness. And in a moment of Oneness, we can realize and experience that love is the basis of everything.
We, as individuals, can tap into this Oneness, this Universal Consciousness when we raise our own consciousness from our everyday existence to join the living, breathing Universe.
Dr. Jude Currivan and Andrew Harvey walk you through how to begin raising your own consciousness, through simple practices you can incorporate into your life every day in their free program, “Embodying Higher Consciousness, A New Way of Living On the Earth.”
Click on the button below to join Jude and Andrew as they show you how to begin your own rebirthing process, so you too can experience and contribute to the Oneness of all things.
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