How Will We Change Humanity’s Future?
Have you ever had a lightbulb moment? One of those sudden insights or epiphanies that can change your perception forever or spur you into massive action?
I experienced one of those powerful lightbulb moments just last year. It was during a conversation with my brothers, where everyone was expressing deep, genuine concern about the future. The lightbulb came to me as a call to action: “Don’t dread the future. Transform it.”
That moment of Divine inspiration led to our Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative, where we at Humanity’s Team joined forces with Neale Donald Walsch, his Conversations with God Foundation, and thought leaders from around the world to answer the call to transform the future.
Our intention? We intend to jumpstart our evolution and create a better future for all 8 billion people on the planet.
Our mission is to raise the baseline of human consciousness to a higher level. Why is this important?
The Changing Humanity’s Future Initiative is more than just a nice idea. It is a global empowerment movement. With more than 700,000 friends in 150 countries, we plan to reach the critical mass necessary to change the trajectory of humanity.
How will we do that? Three ways: 1) transformational education, 2) conscious community, and 3) global accessibility.
Transformational education
We are developing an array of educational resources and tools to address key problems facing humanity, as well as the personal and collective solutions to transform them. We are also engaging visionaries and teachers from a wide range of countries and cultures to broaden our educational offering. Each week we are adding new free and paid content in the form of podcasts, masterclasses, blog articles, and video programs.
Conscious community
We will build a healthy and supportive global community of conscious creators. Our current volunteer team of 50 country coordinators already hosts local events and book clubs, as well as operates on-the-ground humanitarian projects. You can connect with the coordinator in your area or learn more about becoming one yourself here.
Although our country coordinators currently represent more than 3.5 billion people on the planet, there is still plenty of work to do to build a global community and make our resources and conscious community accessible around the world – from China (1.4 billion population), Indonesia (273 million), Pakistan (220 million), and Russia (145 million) to Ethiopia (114 million), Egypt (102 million), Vietnam (97 million), and the Democratic Republic of Congo (89 million).
Perhaps you know someone in one of these countries – or in Ecuador, Sweden, Thailand, Morocco, Malaysia, or South Korea – who would be interested in joining our growing community. If so, encourage them to visit our site, enjoy the resources and share their insights with all of us.
Global accessibility
Education and awareness lie at the center of any widespread, impactful societal change, which is why we donate a subscription to our Humanity Stream+ streaming service to an underserved person for each and every subscription purchased. It’s part of our global outreach One-for-One program that you can learn more about here.
Plans are already in the works to make our educational content available in Spanish, French and German this year, as well as to make it available in libraries and schools around the world.
We need you
Because we intend to make conscious living pervasive by 2040, we are accelerating our efforts with this Initiative to curate more content, reach more people, and come together as a unified community to create a better world.
Will you join us? When a critical mass of conscious creators unites as One, we become unstoppable.
When you join us (sign up free here), you’ll receive invitations to free events and programs that help awaken, inspire, and ignite the highest version of yourself, which then spreads to everything and everyone around you.
You will also receive an inspiring video from Michael Bernard Beckwith’s “Discover Your Soul’s Purpose” Masterclass with Neale Donald Walsch, where they share specific ways to live a more full, connected, and conscious life today.
Our world is reaching a tipping point where it can descend into chaos and decline or it can come together in Oneness and everyone can thrive. Now, more than ever, we need to work toward Global Unity and harmony to ensure we all go in this second, better direction, together.
I look forward to co-creating a better future for humanity with you.
In Service and Oneness,
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