Humanity's Team was founded in 2003 to share the truth of our universal Oneness with each other and with all of life. And while we've grown profoundly since then, and have refined the language we use to communicate this concept to a wider audience, this core principle has stayed with us every step of the way.
Humanity's Team was founded in 2003 to share the truth of our universal Oneness with each other and with all of life. And while we've grown profoundly since then, and have refined the language we use to communicate this concept to a wider audience, this core principle has stayed with us every step of the way.
If you're reading this, you probably already understand the value of living consciously. Joy and peace and love and satisfaction come to us naturally when we tap into our omnipresent Divine nature, and, inevitably, we each reach a point in our conscious journey when we yearn to share the fruits of our labor with others.
In fact, in order to move beyond our individual plateau, we must share our fruits with others; it is in giving that we receive, after all. Just as a candle can share its flame with many other candles without ever extinguishing its own light, each of us are likewise called to share the flame of our spiritual light.
Imagine for a moment that all your tools and techniques for conscious living are gone. Imagine never having learned the eternal truths that empower you and direct your life. Imagine being stuck in an endless feedback loop of struggling to survive, simply hoping to make it to the next day. This is obviously the audience that is in the greatest need of access to tools for transformation and support to live more consciously. And this is the audience that is on the other end of each Humanity Stream+ membership.
And so, we are pleased to give you the opportunity to serve an audience that would typically never have access to Conscious Living material. This is our One-for-One. It's our way of offering a full Stream+ scholarship for every paid subscription. It's our way of serving the Divine—the One we all are—with our present resources. We like to call this our One-for-One; when you subscribe to Humanity Stream+, you gift a free full-year subscription to an underprivileged or under-served person, all to serve the One Universal Reality that contains all of Life.
We partner with organizations that reach out to the less-privileged and we appreciate suggestions that can lead to more reach and impact. If you have suggestions for organizations that we can partner with, please let us know.
Imagine who you’ll be able to become when you join our supportive Humanity Stream+ community and begin engaging in this exciting journey with others around the world. Come see why this small investment will yield life-transforming results for you and all those whose lives you touch.