“When society is dysfunctional, it looks for new structure. The Wheel (of Co-creation) became the new structure for synergistic democracy.”
Barbara Marx Hubbard, American futurist, author, public speaker—and beloved friend of Humanity’s Team—yielded her body April 10th, 2019.
In this podcast, “Problems? They Are the Real Evolutionary Drivers,” a special rebroadcast interview, Steve Farrell, Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team, Barbara, and Anna-Mari Pieterse—well known for her relentless efforts when it comes to raising consciousness for uBuntu—explore the many sectors of the Wheel of Co-creation and discuss how all of us can begin to see ourselves as part of the “expression of a larger purpose.”
Barbara talks about the Evolutionary Impulse and how she felt it moving through her all the time. She encourages us to realize that when we live our true life’s purpose, as she did, and connect with others in a structure such as the Wheel that “reveals the connectivity of what’s innovative,” that is how we become self-governing.
Tune in to Ep. 37: “Problems: The Real Evolutionary Drivers” to hear Barbara, Steve, and Anna-Mari talk more about…
The evolution of capitalism, Barbara says, includes more entrepreneurship. And “we all have to be pioneers to make this work.”
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
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“Be the Inspiration. Be the Influence… Be the Leader,” the free online video program series with Evolutionary Pioneer Steve Farrell,
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