“Every individual, every human being has an opportunity to touch the world.” —Neale Donald Walsch
“Everyone is a difference-maker on the planet.” —Michael Bernard Beckwith
“Our humanity is the doorway to our Divinity.” —Panache Desai
“In my experience, the entire human species is undergoing a remarkable transformation, and that is an expansion of perception beyond the limitations of the five senses.” —Gary Zukav
In this podcast, “Accepting Our Oneness,” Neale, Rev. Michael, Panache, Gary, and Steve Farrell come together in brotherhood and have a spirited conversation about moving Oneness out of the realm of spiritual concept — or even scientific evidence — and into our daily living.
Tune in to hear more from them about…
And if you’re wondering how one person can have any influence whatsoever on a world that sometimes seems bent on destroying itself, Rev. Michael reminds us that “a small group of people holding the vibration of Oneness, inspiration, or connection can mitigate the thoughts of thousands of people who are stuck in the emotional field of worry or separation.”
Would you like to be part of that small but quickly expanding group extending love and healing into our wonderful world?
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
To learn more about the
brand-new free online video program series, “Mastering Reality: Transcend Your Limitations, Access Your Infinite Power, And Become Fully You" with
Michael Bernard Beckwith and
Panache Desai
go here.
For instant access to Neale Donald Walsch’s free online video program series “The Secret To Living Your Best Possible Life,” go here.
Go here to learn more about all of the Humanity’s Team free programs.
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