“What I want to know at work is, ‘Do you love me?’”
Dr. Lance Secretan, the world's foremost authority on inspirational leadership, considers this to be the question at the heart of any workplace environment, though the question is rarely, if ever, asked out loud.
In this podcast, Ep. 23: “Sharing Love in the Workplace,” Lance and Steve Farrell, Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team, explore the main qualities of brilliant and loving relationships and how those qualities contrast with those often seen in unconscious business leadership.
Lance says that in unconscious business it’s common, and even expected, to leave qualities such as intimacy, vulnerability, humility, and playfulness outside the workplace door.
To mention love to co-workers seems awkward from the most innocent vantage point and downright wrong from a vantage point of sexual harassment in the workplace.
But done right, that is to say with respect and compassion, bringing love to the workplace is not only important for strengthening co-worker relationships and increasing productivity, but is also the most respectful and honest action we can take for ourselves.
Sharing love in the workplace is foundational to conscious business.
Tune in to Ep. 23: Sharing Love in the Workplace to hear more from Steve and Lance on…
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
For instant access to “Be the Inspiration. Be the Influence… Be the Leader,” the free online video program series with Evolutionary Pioneer Steve Farrell, go here.
For instant access to Neale Donald Walsch’s free online video program series “The Secret To Living Your Best Possible Life,” go here .
For instant access to "Accelerating Your Evolution Through Science," a free online video program series with Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, and HeartMath leaders Dr. Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin, go here .
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