Please join us in honoring our brothers, our sisters, our Mother Earth, our Father Sun, and all living things in the Universe, so that together we may feel closer to All That Is.
May we also show appreciation for ourselves and the unique roles we’re playing as we step into an ever-fuller sense of who we are and how we can be of service to others, to our planet, and to the Divine.
We are filled with gratitude for all of you in the Humanity’s Team community who spread the message of unity and Oneness through service projects, educational outreach, pure human kindnesses, and other forms of inspired action.
Humanity’s Team would not be the exemplary organization it is without each and every one of you.
Believe me when I say that together we are making a difference.
There are many events taking place right now around the world that could make us feel disappointed, discouraged, and even defeated.
But we were born with free will to choose how we think about all the goings-on.
When we choose anger and fear, we spread anger and fear.
When we choose Love, it is magnified and miraculously multiplied.
Each of us can step up and into more of a loving leadership role in our families, our communities, and the world at large.
From organizing a fundraiser to support your school’s library to volunteering to build shelters for the homeless to launching a conscious business enterprise, leadership roles come in many shapes and sizes.
In its own leadership role,
Humanity's Team continues to bring light to the darkness by asking the important questions, and by encouraging, educating, and supporting all who are called to live authentically and honestly and with ever-increasing love and compassion for ourselves and the world around us.
We are grateful—so very grateful—for you, our community, that supports us in our efforts.
And we feel truly blessed to be part of this global group connected in mission and intention.
Let’s always remember that love is a choice, and let’s not take for granted the support we receive in all its great variety of forms.
As representatives of Oneness, let’s remember to present ourselves as models of love, compassion and service in all that we do...
Because as emanations of the Divine, there is simply no other work that we’re called to.
“All you need is love.”
Not only are these lyrics to a Beatles song by the same name, but these words also reveal a great truth, so simple that it can easily be missed.
When life seems complex, look through God’s eyes and see that there is only Love.
When life brings challenge, bring forth Spiritual Sight and see that there is only Love.
When life seems meaningless, remember that there is no meaning greater than Love.
Love is all we need.
As we come nearer to the end of 2019, let’s recommit to kindness, reconnect with Oneness, and re-identify with Divinity.
Let’s celebrate and remember the people, holidays and traditions that are meaningful to us and respect those that are meaningful to others.
And though it may sometimes feel like it’s easier to love and share at this time of year, it’s up to each and every one of us in our community to keep our hearts open and filled with Love and Light as we enter the year 2020, and beyond.
In honor of you and your beautiful open heart, we’d like to share with you two pieces of media that are particularly meaningful to us by way of the messages they present.
The first is a 3-minute meditation with Sister Jenna—a spiritual leader, author, radio host and TV personality, renowned speaker, and founder of the Meditation Museum.
You can access Sister Jenna’s meditation here
Our second gift to you is “Here We Are,” a 5-minute multi-media presentation by Tim Noe, our Program Curator here at Humanity’s Team.
You can access ‘Here We Are’ here
We feel truly blessed and grateful to have you in our lives. Thank you again for the unique role you are playing in bringing the message of Love and Oneness into the world.
All of us here at Humanity’s Team wish you great joy, happiness and love during this holiday season!
In Oneness and peace,
Steve Farrell and all the leaders and volunteers at Humanity’s Team