“If we could in fact reduce all of the messages of the Conversations With God books...to one sentence, it would be that ‘We are all One.’ And if we could embrace that notion and put it into our life as a lived reality, everything would change virtually overnight globally and locally and even in your own house.”
—Neale Donald Walsch, New York Times bestselling author of Conversations with God
In this podcast, “We Are All One” (a special Global Oneness Summit rebroadcast), Neale, psychic medium and author of We Consciousness, Karen Noé, and Humanity’s Team worldwide executive director, Steve Farrell talk about our Oneness with the Divine, each other, and all of life.
Neale says that when we decide to truly embrace the “We Are One” idea—and live it as part of our lived reality—we won’t have to worry about anything or anyone, because life will take care of itself.
In this podcast, “We Are All One,” Neale, Karen, and Steve discuss…
“The We Consciousness is the interconnectivity of everyone and everything. The most important truth is that we are all One,” says Karen.
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
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