I believe the most important thing we can do in the world right now is focus on our own spiritual evolution.
“Saving the world” is too big a job for one person, and in today’s world, it will often feel as though we’re taking steps backward instead of forward in trying to reach that goal.
On the other hand, when we focus on the whole of our own conscious journey, we can take positive action each day and create measurable progress.
This is a journey from our smaller self, our body, to our larger self, the collective of humanity and the world around us, where we see we are deeply interconnected, interrelated and interdependent with the world around us.
It begins, of course, with the connection state or communion state with our Source, the Divine, Love, the Cosmos.
We come into relationship with our Source and receive the unconditional love, wisdom and guidance that are always here for us.
We then become a clear channel, an expression of that, and we open ourselves as a channel for Divine love, and we bring that to all those whose lives we touch, our family, co-workers, and others.
To put it simply, we align our lives with the Divine…
And because we each carry different gifts and capacities, we will each touch people in different ways, always with love and truth as our foundation, living consciously, and ensuring our contributions will be of value to others, and to humanity and the Earth as a whole.
We do not abuse alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, other drugs, or anything that could adversely affect our health and well-being. We live in a “flow state,” and flow and abuse of any kind are mutually exclusive.
We live in our heart space and are guided from within.
We come into service to the world around us, which creates joy in others and in ourselves. And when enough of us commit to living in this way, we will create the joyful planet we’ve always known was possible.
The key to this Shift is to focus on our own ever-unfolding awakening, for only in that perpetual state of transformation can we play our part in the planetary awakening that lies ahead.
Focusing on your own personal development as a spiritual being is of tantamount importance, and part of Humanity’s Team’s mission is to provide you with every opportunity we can to elevate your consciousness and step more fully into that higher vibrational flow state.
If you’ve read my other recent emails, you’ll know that I’ve been talking a lot about the brand-new free online event series we’ve created with spiritual photographer Carl Studna that supports this journey to elevated consciousness in a powerful and deeply fun way.
In this free series, Carl will show you how to use the art of taking photographs with your smartphone—of animals, landscapes, food, other people, and even yourself—in a highly conscious way to connect with and reveal the essence and the magic of everything around you.
We become luminous and we capture luminous moments with family, friends and in nature.
While Carl took many famous photographs of rock stars like Paul McCartney, Elton John, and Eric Clapton for album covers and other promotional material earlier in his career, he now concentrates more on photographing conscious leaders like the Dalai Lama, Marianne Williamson, and Deepak Chopra…
But the main focus of his life now is to share with others all he’s learned about taking better photographs, and sharing the deeply spiritual, consciousness-elevating experience that is possible when you apply what you’ll learn from him during his upcoming free online series.
To your consciousness, elevated,
Steve Farrell
Worldwide Executive Director
Humanity’s Team
P.S. This weekend you might want to take a few extra breaths, feeling deeply into Divine Presence, go on a hike, take in the beauty all around you, and if you are so inclined, consider how you might capture these magical moments either with a selfie or directing your camera out at nature and others.