“Get back to your deeper heart as often as you can,” says Dr. Deborah Rozman, psychologist, president, and CEO of HeartMath Inc.
In this podcast, Get Back to Your Deeper Heart, a very special rebroadcast of a Living in Oneness conversation, Deborah, Barbara Fields, the late Barbara Marx Hubbard, Anna-Mari Pieterse, and Steve Farrell discuss true health.
Barbara Marx Hubbard begins with a beautiful Evocation for the Wheel of Co-creation.
“The 12 Spheres of life each represent an organic function of a community at any size, from small to large,” she says. “By bringing it together visually, spiritually, and socially, I believe we can contribute to the Oneness of Humanity.”
After the evocation, Barbara joins the others in a discussion about the sphere of health, and Dr. Rozman shares some of the data HeartMath has collected analyzing our current health and stress levels.
“Under stress accumulation,” she says, “the overall system begins to shut down.”
Tune in to our podcast, to hear more from these visionary leaders about…
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active . Thank you!)
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Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, and HeartMath leaders Dr. Deborah Rozman and Howard Martin,
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