“I believe everyone that’s here in the world today was born to be in the world at this time to play a very important role,” says Steve Farrell,Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team.
How do you feel upon hearing that statement?
Some people identify themselves as leaders. To others, it’s a far cry from any sense of self they could imagine.
In this podcast —a special rebroadcast with Steve Farrell interviewed by writer and musician Brian Christopher Hamilton—we hear about why conscious leadership is so important right now in the evolution of our species.
Tune in to “Are You a Conscious Leader?” to hear Steve and Brian talk about…
(Please note: this is an archived recording and any websites, links or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
For instant access to “Be the Inspiration, Be the Influence… Be the Leader,” the free online video program series with Evolutionary Pioneer Steve Farrell, go here .
For instant access to Neale Donald Walsch’s free online video program series The Secret To Living Your Best Possible Life, go here .
For instant access to The Keys to Healing Trauma, a free online video program series with Thomas Hübl and Joan Borysenko, PhD, go here .
To enjoy over 400 more conversations with Steve and his inspiring guests, visit the Humanity’s Team Community Circle membership sign-up page here .
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