Shortly after Neale and I founded Humanity’s Team in June of 2003, my mother-in-law, Ardy, started referring to what we were doing as a “God job.”
She watched us launch the organization, and then begin to focus our resources and outreach on trying to create a planetary awakening and a time of great flourishing for humanity.
She heard about our wonderful and talented first group of volunteer team members (some of whom are still with us), and the devotion each of them was bringing to their job.
She was surprised to hear there were no small agendas for us, only one big agenda: awakening the planet to who we really are—offspring of the Divine, each of us with the capacity to manifest real flourishing in our homes, in our communities, and spanning the whole of the Earth.
Ardy told me one day that she was sure the Divine was guiding us. I agreed and saw even more clearly the wisdom in her describing what we did for Humanity’s Team as being a “God job.”