In her long lifetime here on planet Earth, my dear friend Barbara Marx Hubbard often talked about the deep inner calling she experienced when she was living as a housewife with her husband and five children.
A calling she knew many others felt too.
She had a sense of something at once so deep and hidden yet so incredibly full of potential that it begged to be heard, to be seen, and to be satisfied.
In Vocational Arousal: The Transformative Power of Your Creative Genius, a small booklet she co-wrote, Barbara says, “I was gaining a desire for vocation. But I was still just a wife and mother and I did not fully realize the impact that vocational arousal would have on my life.”
Barbara’s day was spent caring for her children, taking them to the park, keeping the house. But she was missing something. She was missing that piece of herself which was uniquely Barbara; and though unknown to her at the time, it was the piece that was needed by the world.
For Barbara, hearing and then listening to this voice was the beginning of what she called “vocational arousal,” a feeling that you’re called by an impulse within you that is much greater than a desire for yourself and your own gain only.
“When that impulse turns on,” Barbara says, “you get excited, animated, aroused.”
My teammates here at Humanity’s Team and I know this experience very well. We show up every day—each from his or her own home office somewhere in the world—awake, alert, invested in the mission of supporting the quickening of the awakening that’s taking place here and now.
It’s not a term we regularly use in conversation with one another, but the truth is, we are vocationally aroused. We are turned on. We are excited.
Here’s what a few of my teammates have to say:
“Humanity's Team is vocational arousal! Through working with profound spiritual teachings daily, I find my Self catching glimpses of the awakened humanity to which our prophecy has hinted for millennia. Rejoice; God is! This always gets me vocationally excited.” —Noe
“Whenever I am doing work that benefits others in any way, or that contributes to the spiritual awakening and uplifting of humanity, I feel a sense of connectedness and elevation that inspires me and energizes me joyfully in that work in ways that go far beyond how I feel when I do work simply for maintenance, self-benefit, or self-care.” —Brian Christopher Hamilton
“Humanity's Team is Unity Consciousness feeling safe enough to Be fully embodied and anchored to Mother Earth and connected to Divine Source. Every breath we take is a miracle. In breath, out breath, giving and receiving and All Is ONE. And if each outbreath ends in death, each inbreath sees me born anew and Present to the Presence of Love in this Eternal NOW Moment.” —Christine Glenn
“After the birth of my daughter, I found myself struggling to adapt to my new identity as a Mother. I had always been a strong-willed, outgoing, independent artist, and now I was the sole caregiver to a being who fully depended on only me for its survival. Even though I was never alone, I felt overwhelmingly lonely.
“And then one day, as I was unloading the groceries from my car with my daughter on my hip, I heard a woman greet me from across the parking lot. We started chatting and quickly discovered a fast connection: Motherhood.
“When the pandemic began, I was laid off from my part-time job and given the opportunity to visualize where I saw myself in the coming months. A job where I could grow my creative talent, be inspired by my peers, and be proud of the work we were putting out into the Universe. Something with purpose.
“A few months passed and the stranger who greeted me in the parking lot soon became my closest friend. And as I started playing with the idea of applying for another job, she happened to mention that the company she worked for, Humanity's Team, was looking for a Graphic Designer. Within a few days I had an interview, and by the end of the meeting I began working on my first project. Working for HT has been such a gratifying experience for me, and I can't wait to see the wonderful things we'll be able to accomplish together.” —Bianca
In Barbara’s teachings through lectures, courses, and books, she inspired and guided us all toward our highest potential. She emphasized taking time each day to go within, to be in silence, to listen and then to answer the call. She wanted nothing more than for all of humankind to experience the evolutionary impulse within and share it with the world in ways that were uniquely their own.
“Say Yes!” she’d often say.
When we say yes to the impulse within, the Divine energy rises up and through us, “mysteriously” leading us to that something new which had been simmering just below the surface of our limited self-identity.
“Vocational arousal is Spirit in action,” Barbara said, “It is Source sourcing you. It is the Creator within you activating you as co-creator.”
Do you have the feeling there’s something deep within just aching to get out? Are you willing to listen for that evolutionary impulse of desire and then open yourself to the fullness of its creation manifested as vocational arousal?
All of us here at Humanity’s Team invite you to join with us in the excitement of being alive on the planet in this extraordinary time.
In service,