“You can choose to be a person who has resulted simply from what has happened, or from what you’ve chosen to be and do about what has happened. It is in the latter form that creation of Self becomes conscious.” – Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God, Book One
Part of conscious living – or living with awareness – means recognizing who we are, why we are here, and what impact we have on everything around us.
In the Humanity Stream+ “You Are Limitless” Masterclass with spiritual teachers Michael Beckwith and Panache Desai, Rev. Beckwith distinguishes conscious living from unconscious living this way: Conscious living is a “focus on the enfoldment of your soul… to bring the full measure of your limitless nature into expression as love, creativity, resourcefulness, innovativeness, dynamic peace, beauty, generosity, compassion, and kindness.” In contrast, unconscious living focuses on “consumerism, materialism, entertainment, and busyness, to eke out an existence with the status quo.”
In Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God books, God explains to Neale: “You’ve spent half your life unconscious. That is to say, unaware on a conscious level of what you are choosing in the way of thoughts, words, and deeds until you experience the aftermath of them. Then, when you experience these results, you deny that your thoughts, words, and deeds had anything to do with them. This is a call to stop such unconscious living. It is a challenge to which your soul has called you from the beginning of time.”
How might we take these spiritual teachings and apply them to everyday life? As a first step, we bring awareness to all aspects of our life, with a willingness to question and examine our thoughts and behaviors. Here are some examples:
HEALTH: Conscious health includes honoring our body each day by giving it food that nourishes our cells rather than pollutes them. We eat mindfully, with awareness and appreciation, instead of eating mechanically while our mind is focused elsewhere.
“A life lived by choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction.” – Conversations with God, Book Two
HOME: The daily activities of a conscious person might include recycling, composting, buying in bulk to reduce packaging waste, and choosing ethically sourced products.
HABITS: Conscious habits include considering the effects of our words, thoughts, and actions on others. We consider our community and the planet in our decision-making, even for small things like whether our music might disturb the neighbors. We also cultivate the habit of responding to circumstances from a state of equanimity rather than automatically reacting to them from our subconscious programming.
“You cannot have an argument with a fully conscious person. An argument implies identification with your mind and a mental position, as well as resistance and reaction to the other person’s position.” – Eckhart Tolle
MIND: Living consciously means being aware of what we feed our mind – including thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, media, and entertainment – and deliberately choosing what empowers and uplifts us.
“It is far easier to be entertained by reality TV than to participate in our own reality.” – Bruce Lipton
BEING: As we become more conscious, being is as important as doing. Our internal experience is as meaningful as our experience with the external world. This might translate into a daily spiritual practice such as stillness, silence, meditation, present-moment awareness, or regularly spending time in nature.
There is no single formula for living consciously, as each person is unique. But what is common to all forms of conscious living is the awareness that we are creators of our personal and collective reality, rather than victims of our heredity, conditioning, or circumstances. As conscious creators, we are committed to our own evolution and awakening by focusing on our personal growth, strengthening our inner world, and sharing our love and gifts with the world.
If you are interested in learning more about conscious living and how you can incorporate it into your daily life, please
click here to learn more about our 'You Are Limitless' Masterclass.
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