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How to Live Consciously in an Unconscious World

Steve Farrell • June 22, 2023

When we look around at our world, it is easy to get discouraged by what we see: global violence, ecological destruction, species extinction, social and political upheaval, looming economic collapse. These external conditions are a reflection of humanity’s level of consciousness, where what we see most of the time is separation. “I am separate from you.” “We are separate from nature.” This belief in separation perpetuates our current unconscious world.

A core misunderstanding that contributes to unconscious living is that we are victims. Victims of our genes. Victims of our circumstances. Things just happen to us. “That’s just the way it is” is a common sentiment. Mainstream society would have us go through life without ever questioning these beliefs. Instead, we’re encouraged to do more, have more, and acquire more to deal with what is happening to us. As Rev. Michael Beckwith describes in the Humanity Stream+ 'You Are Limitless' Masterclass, this type of unconscious living focuses on “consumerism, materialism, entertainment, and busyness, to eke out an existence with the status quo.”

So, how can we live consciously in an unconscious world?

When we live consciously, we recognize that we are creators of our personal and collective reality, not victims of our heredity, conditioning, or circumstances. We commit to our own evolution and awakening as conscious creators. This is how we live consciously. We focus on our personal growth. We strengthen our inner world.

There is no single formula for living consciously, as each person is unique. But what is common to all forms of higher living is intention and attention. We direct our attention to the one thing we can control: our own personal development, which includes our thoughts, words, and behaviors.

“All events, all experiences, have as their purpose the creating of opportunity. Events and experiences are Opportunities. Nothing more, nothing less. It is what we think of them, do about them, be in response to them, that gives them meaning.”
– Neale Donald Walsch,
Conversations with God, Book Two 

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.”

– Eckhart Tolle

On a practical level, one thing we can do to remain focused on creating the best version of ourselves is to reduce the amount of time and attention we give to mainstream and social media.

“Stop listening to society and to official versions of reality. Cross the bridge between your societal self and your spiritual self. Allow your intuitive self to be the standard bearer of your experience – an experience that no one else is going to validate, and an experience that springs from the assignment that you are knowing, and not necessarily remembering, you are on.”
– Barbara Marciniak

“The ultimate leap is to stop living in the past or future, stop yearning for the approval of others, and stop trying to control the situation, or life itself. Simply experience life as it comes.”
– Sonia Choquette

Thought leader Charles Eisenstein offers this method to live consciously while simultaneously inviting others to do the same. He says, “The most direct way to disrupt the Story of Separation at its foundation is to give someone an experience of non separation. An act of generosity, forgiveness, attention, truth or unconditional acceptance offers a counterexample to the worldview of separation, violating such tenets as ‘Everyone is out for themselves,’ and affirming the innate desire to give, create, love and play. Such acts are invitations only – they cannot compel someone to soften Separation-based belief systems. Generosity can always be interpreted as ‘He’s trying to get something from me.’ Forgiveness can be seen as manipulation (as so often fake forgiveness is). Truth can be ignored. But at least the invitation is there.”

The programs and podcasts available from Humanity’s Team offer an array of tools and techniques both to expand our individual consciousness and operate effectively in the world. In 'A 5-Year Guide to Your Future' Masterclass, scientist and bestselling author Gregg Braden sheds light on how we can stay engaged in relationships, life, and the world in a healthy way. This and more than a dozen other Masterclasses are available as part of our Humanity Stream+ subscription service. We invite you to explore your inner self and the raising of your own consciousness as a first step to healing the unconsciousness of our planet.



Explore how you can embrace a fully Conscious Life in the 'Accelerating Your Conscious Evolution' free video program here

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