Merry Christmas to all our friends who celebrate the birthday of the beloved healer and teacher, Jesus Christ.
And to all of our friends who enjoy and honor other traditions this time of year, I wish you a Beautiful Day!
I was raised Catholic, and ever since I was a young boy I’ve felt a strong and heartfelt relationship with Jesus and his teachings. He described himself and his disciples as “The Light of the World,” and, of course Jesus was this and more. In my own personal reflections a long time ago, I realized that each and every one of us carries that same Light deep in our soul.
Recently, some of my teammates shared their thoughts about what Christmas and this Season of Light means to them:
Appreciation for spending time with family, especially in these challenging times of tiered travel and social gathering restrictions…
Enjoying coordinating and singing in church services…
Carrying on traditional candle-lighting ceremonies, including the 8 days of Chanukkah and the 9 days of La Novena de Aguinaldos…
And Rest. Rest, not as a passive lack of action, but rest as an active bringer of action.
Rest in this light—rest in the Light—is a deeply spiritual practice, accompanying full personal devotion to the Divine.
On the opening page of Neale Donald Walsch’s book Bringers of the Light: How You Can Change Your Life and Change the World, published in 2013, he says:
“The world needs your Light now. Not tomorrow. Now.”
In this global pause and re-pause, many of us have recognized this time as a supreme opportunity to acknowledge the Divine Light that is our True Nature.
We spread love through personal interactions with others and with nature, we participate in seasonal celebrations, and we tap into our Source through rest and reflection.
Of course, Jesus was not the only bringer of the Light. Over the ages, there have been many men and women—and children—who’ve exemplified Truth and Love by their inspirational words and deeds.
And now it’s our time. We have the choice to see God, to see the Divine, to see the Whole of Life in every single piece of the Universe. And when we acknowledge God outside of self, we automatically acknowledge God inside of self, and in that moment the bridge of separation has been crossed and we know we are One.
In the Light with You,