“The inner impulse of creativity is truly the source of creation, creating through you, as you, and with you.” —Barbara Marx Hubbard,acclaimed spiritual teacher and visionary
In today’s podcast, The Inner Impulse of Creativity —a special rebroadcast with the late Barbara Marx Hubbard— Barbara, Steve Farrell, Barnet Bain, John Borysenko, and Barbara Fields discuss the 12 societal spheres which comprise the fullest of basic functions of any community and how each one of us can participate in one or more of those spheres with our own unique gifts and abilities.
Many believe that we are at the threshold of a devolutionary breakdown, but simultaneously we’re rising in consciousness ever and ever faster. People are feeling this as an impulse to be creative and to give more and more of themselves in service to the awakening.
“I believe crisis precedes transformation,” Barbara said. “I think our crisis is a birth of a new humanity, and we are the fortunate generation to be living exactly on the mark when this new generation is emerging everywhere…”
Listen to our podcast, ‘The Inner Impulse of Creativity’ to hear Barbara and friends talk more about…
When speaking about the many people all over the world waking up to conscious awareness, Barbara said, “We’re not the head of a country, the head of a corporation, usually we’re not the head of a university, so we’re changing all the systems in the world to reflect this consciousness, creativity, love, oneness, and the epiphany of the gorgeous possibility of humanity with its innovations connected.”
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
You can learn more about the evolutionary impulse of creativity and the new human in Barbara’s complimentary 2-video online program, Becoming Homo Universalis: The Keys to Evolving to the Next Stage of Human Development.
Instantly access Be the Inspiration. Be the Influence… Be the Leader, the free online video program series with Evolutionary Pioneer Steve Farrell.
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