Objective: Raise consciousness around the planet with regard to a pathway out of our current global situation.
This is the objective of Project Evolution Revolution, which modern day spiritual messenger Neale Donald Walsch and Humanity’s Team Executive Director Steve Farrell discuss in this podcast, a special rebroadcast interview.
It began in March of 2014 with members placing individual pieces of paper in numerous locations around the world. On the paper was written the 5th of the Humanity’s Team Five Steps to Peace: Express our lives as a demonstration of our highest beliefs, rather than as a denial of them.
Neale and everyone involved with Evolution Revolution at that time believed that this one act could ignite a global conversation about consciousness. And in a very short time, their numbers multiplied.
The original website no longer exists, but today, on the Humanity’s Team website, Evolution Revolution continues as a movement seeking to bring an awareness to humanity that the problem in the world today is not a political problem, not an economic problem, and not a military problem. The problem in the world today is a spiritual problem, and it can only be solved by spiritual means. To get to those spiritual means, we must first examine our beliefs.
In this podcast, Evolution Revolution, Neale says, “All behavior emerges from a single belief.”
He goes on to say that the single most damaging belief human beings hold is that we are separate—separate from one another, separate from nature, separate from life, separate from God itself.
When we know ourselves as “the expression and experience of our True Identity—know ourselves as Divinity itself”—then we can change the cultural story of humanity.
Tune in to this podcast to hear more from Neale and Steve about…
Objective: Raise consciousness around the planet with regard to a pathway out of our current global situation.
Neale says that if we seek to assist another in raising their consciousness, the quickest way is to raise our own.
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
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