“We’re deeply involved in a major evolutionary process,” says biologist and best-selling author Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. “We have to change the way we’re living and the way we’re responding to each other.”
In this podcast, Ep. 36: We Are Born Into Heaven, Bruce emphasizes that people have been taught, and are still being taught, that they’re victims of heredity.
But many of us know that the not-so-new-anymore New Science unequivocally tells us that it is actually the environment that “changes” the fate of the genes.
So what can we do with this information? How can we use it to not only improve our lives, the lives of others, and the overall well-being of the planet but also to reveal that, as Bruce says, we are born into Heaven ?
Bruce and Steve Farrell talk in-depth about how times of difficulty and challenge all over the world can be seen as an individual crisis here and another individual crisis over there.
But in their shared view, they see the individual instances as symptoms of one major aspect of life, which is that the way we’re living is simply unsustainable.
Tune in to Ep. 36: We Are Born Into Heaven to hear more from Bruce and Steve about…
Bruce tells us that we can enjoy the experience of Love every day of our lives on this planet for as long as we live. Does that sound like Heaven on Earth to you?
(Please note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!)
Learn more about ‘Smarter, Stronger, Faster,’ the free online video program series with
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., Gregg Braden, and Lynne McTaggart.
For instant access to “Be the Inspiration. Be the Influence… Be the Leader,” the free online video program series with Evolutionary Pioneer Steve Farrell, go here.
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