“This pivotal moment of change is also the opening for new opportunities.”
In this special rebroadcast interview, “Thinking: The Unspoken Crisis,” Steve Farrell, Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team, talks with visionary scientist and best-selling author, Gregg Braden, about the shift of awakening that’s sweeping across the globe with a fierce swiftness sometimes interpreted as chaotic, unsettling, and, for many, outright demanding.
They discuss Gregg’s book, Resilience from the Heart, which encourages the reader to “think and live differently.”
We can live each day from one of two basic thoughts, Gregg says:
The “I don’t know” perspective: things are falling apart and I don’t know what to do about it
The “I do know” perspective: things appear to be falling apart, and I see it as a glorious opening and opportunity to change
Tune in to our podcast, Thinking: The Unspoken Crisis, to hear Gregg and Steve delve into the critical importance of our thoughts and more…
For instant access to the
brand-new, free online video program series, “Smarter, Stronger, Faster,” with
Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and Lynne McTaggart,
go here .
For instant access to Neale Donald Walsch’s free online video program series The Secret To Living Your Best Possible Life, go here .
For instant access to The Keys to Healing Trauma, a free online video program series with Thomas Hübl and Joan Borysenko, PhD, go here .
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