In this podcast, James Twyman, aka The Peace Troubadour and spiritual creative, joins host Steve Farrell for a conversation on “Creative Genius in Spiritual Pursuits and in Life.” James is a New York Times bestselling author of 18 books, has recorded over 18 albums, and directed or produced seven feature films, including the award-winning Redwood Highway.
James works extensively with generating peace through creative action and has performed in many areas of conflict, with miracles often following in his path. James and Steve’s discussion is inspired in part by James’s brand-new video program “Accessing Your Super-Creativity” made in collaboration with fellow
creative luminary Barnet Bain and Humanity’s Team.
In this podcast you will learn more about…
***Note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active (or dates may have been changed). Thank you!***
Learn more about ‘Accessing Your Super-Creativity: An Approach to Creative Expression that Will Accelerate Your Growth & Bring You More Power, Passion & Joy.’ This 60-minute program will fundamentally shift how you perceive creativity and give you skills for allowing yourself to surrender to your creative, evolutionary impulse.
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