This inspirational podcast, ‘Relationships as a Path of Awakening,’ is a special rebroadcast of one of our most popular 2021 Global Oneness Summits. The panel, hosted by Cynthia James and Carl Studna, includes Marci Shimoff and Anita Sanchez, among other thought leaders who recognize the power and importance of conscious relationship in their lives.
Marci Shimoff
is a #1
New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned transformational teacher and expert on happiness, success, and unconditional love.
Anita L. Sanchez, Ph.D. is passionate about bridging indigenous wisdom and the latest in science to inspire and equip women and men to live their higher purpose in service and joy.
Cynthia James is a transformational coach and inspirational leader, guiding people to make changes at a deep level for lasting healing.
Tune in to ‘Relationships as a Path to Awakening’ to hear about…
***Note: this is a special rebroadcast and any websites, links, programs, or events mentioned may no longer be active (or dates may have been changed). Thank you!***
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