“I believe the choice to become a mother is the choice to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers there is.” – Oprah Winfrey
Today we at Humanity’s Team would like to wish you all a very happy Mother’s Day, celebrated this year in the United States tomorrow, Sunday, May 9th.
If you are a mother or know a mother, this is a perfect time to reflect on the awesome responsibility and the incomparable rewards motherhood can bring.
I’ve just returned from visiting my own mother in Virginia, and spending time with her was a great opportunity to think about all she did for—and all she gave to—me and my siblings over these many years.
Recently, I heard someone refer to motherhood as the “fearless artistry” of raising a child.
Because much like an artist, a mother draws on her gifts of unrelenting faith and unconditional love to turn a blank canvas into life’s most magnificent work of art. With brushstrokes of hope, joy—and sometimes uncertainty—she forges ahead, letting her heart be her guide.
Often the mothering process has a mind of its own. Sometimes the colors don’t blend the way she anticipates, and the picture may not reflect her initial vision. Often there are setbacks that test a mother’s confidence, but never her resolve.
Through it all, the child adds his or her own colors and challenges the mother’s design, but she continues to give it her all. Because she alone sees the perfection of the ultimate outcome.
And one day, despite the push and pull, the give and take, the yin and yang of it all, an incomparable masterpiece materializes, full of light, originality, and infinite potential. The child, born of love and molded with wisdom, emerges all grown up and ready to take the world by storm.
Motherhood provides us with the opportunity to make such an impact upon another human being and, potentially, on life itself.
When I think of mothers and Mother’s Day, I’m drawn to deep feelings of love for Mother Earth, our beloved sacred home. She epitomizes the Divine Feminine, patiently holding us in her embrace while we transcend our infancy and immaturity upward into a fully evolved and conscious being who simply can do no harm to another being, be it animate or inanimate.
A mother watches and sometimes intervenes, as does Mother Earth with some of her natural events. And even though a child—of a human mother or of the Earth—sometimes may not like what the mother does, there will one day come the mature realization that everything she did was done in love and for the greatest good imaginable.
To all the mothers past, present, and future (including my mother and Stephanie, the beautiful mother of my own children), all of us here at Humanity’s Team wish you all the love you so richly deserve. And if you happen to know a mother, please pass this message on with all our love.
Wishing you blessings, today and always,