What do you call that which goes by many names but ultimately can not be named?
What is your way of talking to or about what others call the Divine, the Universe, Source, the Field, All That Is, God?
Regardless of the naming convention used, those of us who know there is a creator—a First Cause—, we embrace, value, and align with the Divine qualities that are the basis of all creation: the impulse toward goodness, creativity, and love.
Tomorrow is Father’s Day here in the United States and Canada. And I’d like to take a moment now to honor fathers everywhere, including my own, who have stepped up in leadership and love in their families, their communities, and perhaps even on a bigger stage in the world at large.
My experience as a father to our two wonderful children has been one of love at first sight combined with patience and a willingness to continue growing and learning. As most parents will agree, parenting IS a learning experience. As we teach our children both how to be individuals—honest with themselves at all times—and positive members of society, we practice the same for ourselves. It’s an ongoing dance of priorities and inclinations.
But the Creator who/that has given us the experience of life itself—the FatherMotherGod we call by many names—is at all times, and in all ways of which we can possibly conceive, On High.
I would like to say, “Glory to the Father. Glory to the Mother. Glory to God On High.
And thank you FatherMotherGod. Thank you for guiding me and showing me—sometimes with ease and sometimes through challenge—the path of mature, responsible, heartfelt interdependence where I join with others in service to universal flourishing, where I never feel alone.
To my father and all fathers everywhere, I honor you with love and respect.
In Oneness,