Who cares if I change…?
Who cares if I upgrade my life – or choose to follow the whims of my
less enlightened desires…?
Who cares…???
Do you? Do I?
Sometimes it seems like such a meaningless and pathetic struggle….
Why make the effort?
No one is there to care…
No one is there to pat me on the back and say congratulations….
To whom could it possibly matter…?
No one…. or so it seems…
Let Me tell you, little one…
…only the entire Universe is there to care,
…only the love that undergirds the essence of the cosmos we live in…
…only the vibration of everything that exists…
…only the joy and harmony of all that is!!!
You think you exist in isolation, do you?
You think you could be separate from all that is?
Oh no, not so…
Every breath you take belongs to the whole,
Every care you take enhances not only you but the greater good…
So sparkle on, little diamond…
Choose what you will…
But know that love more brilliant, more pervasive,
Deeper than you have ever imagined…
Stands in witness to your choices…
And rejoices in a chorus that ripples throughout the cosmos…
When you, our dearest sister, choose love.
The Oneness
November 14, 2013
Kathleen Pheteplace LeBlanc
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