As spiritual teacher and author Emmanuel Dagher says above, May the deepest wounds of humanity be healed.
Since the holidays are all but kind and beautiful and sometimes lonely memories gone by like a swift breeze, and other than New Year's and Epiphany, it is now the time to become aware of a different kind of epiphany. Surely, we all understand, life as we currently experience it, needs the gift of a conscious rehabilitation, a unified change of our waking moments. Now is the time, in this fresh, pristine year to paint a new way of life.
We must come together. Invite this time to be the time, and let us see and love one another as our extraordinary extended family. We can't sanction the status quo and have yet another unanswered resolution.
Regardless of our race, our gender, our sexual preferences, our religions, our political views and philosophies, we are capable of change and respect for one another.
No matter what we name the infinite power, God, the Great Spirit, Love, the Divine, the Alpha the Omega, Christ...Life itself...we are the ones who can right the trajectory of our planet and all life that lives upon it. Remember, it's up to all of us to take each others' hands and begin the the journey with Love as our leader.
Not withstanding our differences, because there are no two of us exactly the same except that we all have the capacity to love; almost everyone stops for a goose and her goslings to cross the road, will instinctually run to children in need. This instinct lives in our hearts, and we have to exert ourselves to do otherwise, to hate, to be cruel, to be absent in Life. Imagine how strikingly beautiful life can be and is becoming for those who integrate a path to wake up, open our eyes and our hearts.
We must inhabit LOVE as a critical component of coming together. We need to act on this now, for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren...everyone. It's up to us whether to live with love or hate in our hearts. Let's behave like the star dust from which we came. Let's begin to heal, and live a remarkable life. Here at Humanity's Team our mission is to make conscious living pervasive worldwide by 2040. Are you in?
With love,
Nannette Kennedy