Happy New Year to our dear Humanity’s Team family!
Did you know that January is National Mentoring Month in the United States? The actual campaign was inaugurated in 2002 to promote youth mentoring in the U.S. Today, a high point of the campaign is Thank Your Mentor Day, a time when many Americans thank and honor their mentors.
With this in mind, I’d like to share with you some personal thoughts about mentoring. In my book-in-progress, I write about how my father gave me some parting words of wisdom when I was about to get on a plane, leaving my home in Virginia and heading to California to begin my first job out of college. Dad said I should live a life of integrity and continue to pursue my dreams, whatever those might be. His final words to me that day were, “See you at the top.”
Dad wasn’t a mentor, per se; however, our relationship, especially once I was in my young adult years, positively impacted my life decisions. And though no one offered him- or herself as a mentor to me, I always have had mentors. They are Jesus, Gandhi, other great Masters of many traditions, Archangel Michael, prayer, meditation, and the Holy Spirit.
I’ve chosen to remain open to the gifts Life showers down upon me. Sometimes those gifts show up in the form of a struggle. Other times, in a form of peaceful contentment. I guess you could say that Life itself is a mentor to me.
Are you open to Life’s gifts and guidance? Do you feel comforted in the truth that this life experience is a perfect unfolding, even when events seem otherwise? Do you find that when you commit to a daily spiritual practice,
wisdom reveals herself to you and in that beautiful knowingness trust and understanding naturally occur?
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