In Twelve Spheres of Life
In Twelve Spheres of Life
Arts | Economics | Education | Environment | Government | Health Infrastructure | Justice | Media | Relations | Science | Spirituality
A way of protecting each individual's innate rights
While on the one hand we are moving into an era of more and more political freedom and democracy and the dissolving of borders, the growth of litigation and regulation has also injected a paralyzing uncertainty into our everyday choices. All around us are warnings and legal risks, threats to freedom of expression, secrecy bills, etc., that leave us feeling powerless and insecure.
Government service is seen as dysfunctional in many countries, and as a bureaucratic jungle rather than as a noble calling and a place of service to fellow human beings and society at large.
Citizens are paralyzed by legal self-consciousness, continuously checking whether they know the rules that must be followed. We have become a culture of defensive followers of rules, trained to frame every solution in terms of law or possible risk. The person of responsibility has become the person of caution.
the Love that regulates the stars and the planets lies at the core of everything and all of Life, including matters of law and justice, human rights, morality, AND ethics
It is said that all this law is just the price of making sure society is in working order, but the fact that society is not working is all too painfully evident. We are not only confused and often denied our rights, but maybe most alarmingly there is gross falseness and double-dealing when it comes to rights and justice. The cost of everyday living is out of control, forcing people to be slaves to debt.
And we are not safe, not as countries, and not as individuals. As a matter of fact, the risk keeps growing. We are literally sitting on a (nuclear) time bomb.
It is safe to say that the world is not in good shape. Behind the systems that we rely on is immense power and monetary figures that one cannot even begin to try to understand. They make no sense. Peaceful protesters seeking social justice are jailed while corrupt hedge fund managers receive multi-billion dollar bailouts and multi-million dollar bonuses.
How far can you trust your doctor, your teacher, your rabbi, your police officers, your psychologist, your financial adviser, as well as the scientists, the lawyers, the media, the voting system, and the president?
The error and the solution lie in our conception of freedom. We think of freedom as political freedom that is decided upon when we make our choice at the ballot box (for those who have that privilege). Some are even free to live and work where they want.
Freedom should, however, include the power of personal conviction and the authority to use one's common sense. Alexis de Tocqueville, the French political thinker and historian best known for his Democracy in America and The Old Regime and the Revolution, says: “Freedom is less necessary in great things than in little ones... Subjection in minor affairs does not drive men to resistance, but it crosses them at every turn, till they are led to sacrifice their own will. Thus their spirit is gradually broken and their character enervated.”
The activism of Occupy Wall Street was the rage and revolt against the social injustice and suppression experienced by the masses of the world. All people, including government officials, doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc., want to be free to make their daily choices by focusing on their goals and letting their subconscious instincts get them there. We want to feel our way to success and make things work through trial and error.
The overlay of law on our daily choices destroys the human instinct needed to get things done. Bureaucracy does not teach, rules alone do not make things happen, and accomplishment is personal. Modern law however pulls the rug out from under all of these human powers and replaces it with a debilitating self-consciousness.
In this sphere, dealing with morality, human rights, government, law and justice, we want to determine how our liberty may be restored when we do not all see it the same way.
Here we want to distinguish between...
We need to abandon the idea that freedom is a legal maze where each choice in life is merely like picking the correct answer. The new goal for law should be to define an open area of free choice. This will require judges and legislatures to affirmatively assert social norms for what is reasonable and what is not. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. suggests that “The first requirement of a sound body of law is that it should correspond with the actual feelings and demands of the community.”
Instead of changing public goals, the intention should be to make it possible for citizens to achieve their personal goals. Instead of building structures to defend daily freedom, judges would aspire to keep lawsuits reasonable, understanding that what people sue for ends up defining the boundaries of free interaction.
Instead of bureaucratic micro-management, schools will be run by the instincts and values of the people in charge, and they will be held accountable for how they do. There will be flexibility in how government officials meet public goals, with regular outside consultation focused on making choices that aspire to create balance for the common good and not purely to appease a single individual’s rights. Citizens should be allowed to have individual freedom in their daily choices within the context of a higher purpose of “justice for all.”
A new approach to morality does not arise from feelings of jealousy, hate, resentment, or animosity of any kind. It calls on us to look at our individual shadows and acknowledge when our own drive to reign-in others, including the ultra-rich, borders on its own kind of greed and will to power.
In this sphere, we are considerate of the Natural Laws of the Cosmos that are all in an inter-relationship with one another: perpetual, immutable, and self-administering – meaning that they do not require a government, policemen, courts, or jails to enforce them to maintain order.
According to these Seven Spiritual Laws of the Universe by which everything in the Universe is governed, everything in the Universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these laws that can be applied not only in the field of Law and Justice in society, but in all spheres of society.
We learn that the Love that regulates the stars and the planets lies at the core of everything and all of Life, including matters of law and justice, human rights, morality, ethics, etc. We have an innate knowing that comes from the heart about that which serves the greater good, and although we may escape human laws, we never escape the law of our own nature, which at our very core is Love.
Instead of creating a mindset of judgment, guilt and punishment, through Oneness Consciousness, humanity is made aware of our mutual responsibility toward one-another and our natural environment. We are encouraged to support spiritual principles, global ethics, and universal values such as respect, justice, peace, dignity, freedom, responsibility, and cooperation that form the basis of Oneness Consciousness.
Oneness politics, human rights, governance, law, and justice are all then based on Love.