In Twelve Spheres of Life
In Twelve Spheres of Life
Arts | Economics | Education | Environment | Government | Health Infrastructure | Justice | Media | Relations | Science | Spirituality
The surroundings in which we live; the natural world as a whole — including ourselves
Our approach to caring for and preserving and sustaining our Natural Environment is based on knowing that foundationally we are the environment and we are Life, all of which is Sacred.
The environment is seen as the context in which everything takes place within the adaptive systems of the Earth. In the same way the body is the environment within which the trillions of cells that make up all aspects of itself, the environment is the context of life on earth.
In this complex terrain all bodily systems – circulatory, digestive, and respiratory, etc. – mimic the systems of the environment. Everything is sacredly interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. The air we breathe contains the molecules breathed by billions of other humans, as well as the plants and the animals. In this sphere, we witness how everything in the environment is connected and affected by human design or the lack thereof.
Here in the 21st century, humanity is faced with many global issues. The process of globalization is filled with both disaster and dignity as more people, initiatives, and organizations than ever before are working on our toughest issues, including climate change, alternative energy, and thedepletion of our natural resources, to name a few.
The process of growth of disciplines such as ecology, education, or economics is chaotic and dynamic with the boundaries between them paradoxically becoming thinner and thicker. Many cross-, inter-, and even trans-disciplinary approaches serve to link between and across these disciplinary boundaries.
A Oneness approach to this process provides a meta-framework for more effectively understanding and leveraging the relationships between the disciplines, their methods, and areas of focus. It allows us to better coordinate and align the efforts applied for deeper and longer-term sustainable impact.
A Meta-Framework
With hundreds of distinct and valuable perspectives on the natural world—and with scientists, economists, ethicists, activists, philosophers, and others often taking completely different stances on issues, we need to sort through these and connect them in a pragmatic way that honors these insights whilst arriving at some agreement to solve our toughest environmental problems.
A Oneness framework provides a way of understanding the relationship between who is perceiving nature, what is perceived as nature, and how the perceiver uses different methods, techniques, and practices to disclose nature.
Oneness Platform
The natural world is filled with awareness. Therefore, ecologists will embrace holistic principles as the foundation for the most comprehensive contemplation of and response to our ecological situation, and recognize that human attitudes, behaviors, institutions, and practices generate complex environmental problems across the globe on multiple scales.
In order to accommodate and integrate the vast number of different disciplines, the ecologist is aware of the different domains of reality, methods of knowing, and ecological selves who are responsible for these disciplines, and the ecologist is committed to coordinating and building bridges between various domains, methods, and perspectives, especially in the context of specific environmental problems.
To bring about sustainable change in this sphere, one is obligated to increase one’s capacity to take and hold additional perspectives in order to dismantle self/other dynamics that arise in the course of addressing environmental issues. They are also obligated to engage in long-term, personal transformational practices in order to develop their emotional, somatic, psychological, and spiritual dimensions.
Oneness ecologists will recognize that all life forms experience, perceive, and create shared horizons of meaning, both within and across species, and that not all life-forms have an equal capacity to do so. The adoption of a multidimensional value ethic serves to allow consideration of the idea that suggests that an individual (human or nonhuman) or a process can simultaneously be of equal value, greater value, and lesser value than another individual or process depending on the criteria used.
Oneness in this sphere affirms the ultimate mystery of all phenomena as a way to prevent attachment to unbending conceptualizations of our ecological reality.
Our approach to caring for and preserving and sustaining our Natural Environment is based on
that foundationally we are the environment and we are Life, all of which is Sacred. The Golden Thread that runs through all of this and connects everything is Love. The Universe is One Being and we are its essential cells – all and responsible for the Whole. We respond to our natural environment with Love.